Kaine (Evil!AU Ideas)



4 years, 9 months ago


About the Evil!AU:

After the first escape (where Skylar and Kaine escape as kids and lose their memories, and Rhea is left behind), Rhea becomes the lab's most successful project. She lusts for revenge on  whoever took her brothers away from her, and in the years it takes for  her to climb to the top, she becomes more and more obsessed with this  rage-filled idea. As she is introduced more and more to the scientists'  side of things (rather than purely from the experiments'), she becomes  desensitized to tragedy and everything else that comes with  experimenting on others. If hurting others protects her position and  gets her one step closer to finding out what really happened during the  escape attempt, then she will gladly do whatever it takes.

Skylar has had a difficult life as the loser in school, only really supported by his friend Hagumi.  He is consistently bullied or ignored, and it takes a large toll on his  self-confidence, especially surrounding his strange  almost-but-not-quite shapeshifting powers (which is mostly just hair  color and switching to his demon-like form). He may have sort-of friends  and Hagumi, but everything else weighs down on him.

Meanwhile, Kaine has  lived his life with a close eye on him from his foster home. He is  always being checked on, and anytime he acts out, his foster parents  respond with fear masked as anger. He is in charge of the other younger  kids, but it's clear that his parents feel unsafe around him. He has no  memory of the barcode on his cheek or what it means, but it is clearly  separating him from his family. The more restrictions placed on him to  keep the others safe, the more Kaine becomes isolated. At first, he  hated the parts that separated him - his ears, his teeth, the tattoo, the scar - but the more time went on, the more he came to love them and  hate others. He knows that whatever happened to him isn't his fault, and that everyone is just scared of him because he's different.

When Rhea finally finds Skylar and Kaine, she realizes that their memories have been wiped, and begins manipulating them to join her again. Desperate for their company and for  them to be on her side again, she finds their weaknesses and exploits them.

For Skylar, this means giving him the chance to love himself  and embrace his powers. He can learn about his powers through the labs,  and instead of being hated for them, he will be praised and loved. He  can become the superhero, the good guy. All it takes is to stay by  Rhea's side and do as she says, which sounds harder than it is. She  shows genuine love and concern for Skylar, giving him the positive  attention he craves. The deeper he goes, the more he sees Rhea through  rose-tinted glasses. Suddenly, he's turning against Hagumi and anyone  who dares question her intentions. When she finally explains what really  happened to him - that he's her older brother, that they were  separated, that his memories were taken from him so he could forget  about her and all the great things the labs did for them - it is really  the nail in the coffin. He is totally devoted, and Rhea can show her  more sinister side around him, and he accepts it. Even when she lashes  out, he takes it like a champ as long as she reassures him afterwards.

For Kaine, this means showing him the world of being an experiment. The more he learns about the others, the prouder he is of his status as an experiment. The barcode becomes a badge of honor, and he quickly takes up a leading/training role among the younger experiments. He motivates them and encourages the kids to be proud of themselves, that the scientists are just doing what they do because it's best for them. It may hurt, and it may not make sense sometimes, but everything is for their safety and growth. He is more than happy to embrace the labs and forget about the normal people. Rhea can even start to turn Kaine against not only normal people, but also against the people that took him away in the first place. It also helps that he becomes motivated on his own to track down the escaped experiments and show them the "reality" of the labs and how wonderful they are. It doesn't even surprise him to learn that Rhea is his sister and Skylar his brother; he loves them both immensely and takes time out of training the "new recruits" to hang out with them.

With all of this, the trio of heroes in our story become the villains.

One thing to keep in mind is that Rhea is powerful in the labs. She has a far-reaching influence, and can keep scientists from hurting Skylar and Kaine when they're at points that they may change their minds about her or her goal. In fact, if they stop proving useful to study, she can encourage them to stop bothering her brothers entirely. Hurt the others, she doesn't care. Her brothers are back.

Theme songs:

  1. Rhea-
  2. Skylar- Loser Geek Whatever (Broadway version of Be More Chill)
  3. Kaine-