Leonidas the Lion



1 year, 10 months ago


Leonidas the Lion

Nicknames Hotshot, Leo

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 23

Species Lion

Role Hero

Powers Pyrokinesis

Type Power

Residence Metal City

Voice-Claim(EN) Eizen(Tales of Berseria)

Voice-Claim(JP) WIP

Theme Gogeta Blue's Theme(DBFZ)

HTML Pinky


Leonidas, a young adult lion, at a glance looks rather intimidating to be around due to his biker-like getup, the scar on one his eyes and rip on one of his ears but he's actually a rather chill dude. He lives in Metal City where Extreme Gear racing is all the hype. Ever since he got his scar trying to protect the innocent from thugs when was 12 years old, Leonidas has been training to become stronger and stronger so that no one gets hurt. When Leonidas became friends with Kaiser and the rest of his group, he, Kaiser and Skye formed the team that is known as Team Tempest.

Leonidas can be a pretty nice guy but he also has quite the short temper. He's also quite the hothead, making him arrogant sometimes.


Height 105 cm(3 ft 5 in)

Build Large

Eyes Yellow

Skin Tone Tan Skin

Fur Color Orange and Dark Red

Hair Style Mane


  • His scar on his right eye and rip on his right ear were caused from thieves striking him while he was protecting citizens.
  • He usually wears jackets.
  • His eyes glow when using Flame Install.
  • art by Lyrexios.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Leonidas can usually be pretty nice despite his intimidating appearance but often he's got a short temper, leading to rage-filled and sometimes hilarious antics. When he's in a good mood though, he's a blast to be around.


Spicy Food

He likes food that has a lot of spice to them. Especially peppers.


He's pretty much eats meat like a wild animal.


The thrill of battle always pumps him up.

His fire powers

He always finds his powers to be pretty awesome. Especially moves like Flaming Divekick(That he made up while training).


Sour food

He always hates the taste of them.

Unfairness in battles

No matter how difficult or easy the battles are, Leonidas always fights fair. Seeing someone cheat their way their victory gets his pretty yicked off.


Criminals like them are the resaon he has his scar and ear rip. Plus he doesn't like them hurting the innocent.


He's really, REALLY bad at it. Safe to say, you wouldn't want to eat the food he makes.


Powers and Abilities

Burning Lance

Similar to Shadow's Chaos Spear, Leonidas charges up an energy blade of fire and then throws it at his opponents.

Flaming Divekick

Leonidas jumps high and then divekicks towards his foe while his foot is engulfed in fire.

Burst Shield

A shield of fire covers around Leonidas and can increase in size to protect multiple people.

Flame Install

A fiery aura surrounds Leonidas as his tail gets slightly more spiky and his eyes go from yellow to red and his attacks gets stronger in this state.

Super Form

Leonidas gais access to this powerful form when he harnessess the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds. His fur changes color from orange to a dark-ish fuschia. His eyes also go from yellow to purple. His fire powers also get a huge boost, making his Burning Lance now a barrage of projectiles instead of just one.



Origins of the scar

Leonidas was 12 years old when it occured. Thugs were causing trouble to the innocent civilians and Leonidas was there trying his best to protect them. He gave it his all and took care of a lot of thugs but then a thug approached him from behind and struck him, leaving a rip in his right ear and a nasty scar on his right eye. Despite the intense amount of pain, Leonidas took care of the rest of the thugs. This scar that those crooks gave him has made Leonidas realise that he's got to get stronger so that he can protect everyone in Metal City and maybe even the whole world one day.

The flame within

During his battle against the thugs and getting the scar from them, something awakened within Leonidas. Then suddenly, fire shot out of his hand. He used these new pyrokinetic powers to easily take care of the bandits. Some time after, Leonidas.

Team Tempest

Some time after Kaiser became best friends with Skye, he was on a school trip with her and other students. They were staying at a forest lodge for the night and the students were exploring the forest to enjoy the scenery. All is going well... until Eggman's robots attacked them. Skye, despite being scared, used her psychic powers to save some of the students and take out some of the badniks. Kaiser used hit-and-run tactics to take out some more badniks. They were having an easy time until some Egg Hammer's arrived. They're way sturdier than the smaller bots thus making the battle harder. Kaiser tried his best but was overpowered by the hammer wielding robot. Skye, in a desperate situation, used her psychic powers with everything she has to defeat one of the giant badniks. Only one Egg Hammer was left but both fighters are completely out of stamina.

Things were going bad for the young wolf and hedgehog. Kaiser's on the floor, very injured from the badnik's attacks and Skye is in trouble as she's too tired to use her powers. At that point it looked like the end for the young hedgehog... and then the beast was unleashed. Kaiser stood up with furious a expression and yellow eyes. The badnik went after the berserk wolf, only it for it to be a huge mistake. Kaiser, powered up from his rage, destroyed the hammer-wielding badnik to pieces. Kaiser just stood there, still in this furious state. Skye slowly approached him, reasonably terrifyied. Kaiser turned around, giving the scared hedgehog a piercing glare but still just stands there as if his mind isn't completely berserk now that things calmed down. Skye put her arms on the young wolf's shoulders, pleading him to snap out of it with tears in her eyes. Kaiser slowly got to his senses and then passed out due to exhaustion. Whatever happened in that moment was something that Kaiser had to endure for years to come but he knows that eventually, he'll be able to control it.





Kaiser the Wolf

Close Friend

Katie looks up to her big bro, as Kaiser alwyas protect her no matter what. He slowly gets Katie to know his friends and make her less shy around them.


Skye the Hedgehog

Close Friend

Flight type member of Team Tempest. Ever since he protected her from some bullies when they were kids, Skye is forever grateful to have met someone kind and caring like the young wolf. Recently Kaiser's starting to have feelings for her. Will he muster up the courage to confess?


Scarlet the Bunny


Kaiser got introduced to Scarlet thanks to Skye during the events of Adventure at Station Square. She may be a bit sassy and teases him and Skye about them being a couple but she's been a good friend for them when times get tough.


Asuka the Lynx


Asuka appreciates Kaiser's kindness after she helped him find a way out of the Mystic Ruins' jungle. Kaiser even lets the shy lynx live with him in Seaside City. Despite her timidness, Asuka slowly warms up to Kaiser's sister and his friends.


Katie the Wolf

Close Friend/Student

At first, Katie was horrified at Leonidas due to his tough looking appearance but after some explaining from her brother Kaiser, Katie got along with the hotheaded lion pretty well. Leonidas trains with her sometimes and exchange a master and student-like bond.


Stella the Cat


Kaiser returned the magic wand that Stella dropped and the witch is very thankful for it. She sometimes hangs out with him and the others in his home having fun and playing games.


Sam the Chameleon


Despite Sam being an outlaw, Kaiser doesn't see him as a bad guy since he helped him and Skye take care of some train robbers in Mirage Saloon. Plus the young wolf thinks he looks so cool. Whenever there's trouble afoot, Sam teams up with Kaiser and friends.


Kenneth the Owl


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