Romenz ‘Alfonzo’ Armani



1 year, 9 months ago



Name: Romenz ‘Alfonzo’ Armani

Species: Meowth (Scratch Cat Pokémon)

Shiny: Yes

Height: 1’11”ft

Weight: 14.7lbs

Eyes: Illuminating Emerald (#329189)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 15 years old

Birthday: April 17th, 2008

Role: Citizen

Occupation: N/A

Nature: Naive (Spd+,SpDef-)

Ability: Pickup


- Aerial Ace

- Shadow Claw

- Icy Wind

- Water Pulse

Physical Description:

   A shiny Meowth with long bangs, plus a slightly taller and lankier stature. His tail has a couple tufts sticking out near the end of it. There is a large scar that goes across his left eye. However, it’s mostly covered by his hair, making it near to impossible to notice. He also has a giant scar going right down his spine. But it’s never shown, as he’s always wearing his jacket over top of it. He doesn’t very much care to talk about either scar.

Clothe Description:

   He has on him a two-toned track jacket with a Teal Green (#00897B) top half, and an Independence Blue (#4B5170) bottom half. He wears a white t-shirt underneath it. Which is clearly visible, as his jacket is always open.

Personality Summary:

   Romenz is a somewhat hotheaded teenager with a bit of a selfish attitude. Though well-meaning and having good intentions– his actions can sometimes come off as him being neglectful of other’s feelings; only thinking for himself and not those around him. Romenz isn’t normally afraid to speak what’s on his mind; whether it be against something or someone. He can be quick to get on the defensive if he is provoked, but will more than likely not attack back physically, as he isn’t very capable of doing so anyway.

Romenz isn’t necessarily stupid, despite never having had the chance to go to school. But he could be classified as somewhat ignorant, due to his lack of awareness about some things; whatever they may be. He longs to know more however and travel the world around him, rather than being cooped up in one place all his life.

He can act a bit coldhearted every once in a while. But deep down, Romenz has a good heart and does care for those around him. Even if he leads you to believe otherwise. There are times where Romenz shows genuine moments of joy and excitement.


- Music


- His family

Battle Style:

- n/a


- n/a


- n/a



Extra Information:

- At a young age, Romenz received his guitar as a birthday gift from one of his family members. He doesn’t remember who gave it to him though.

Artists featured (in no particular order):

- S4ndwitch3s#3013

- Snek#3770

- Riddle.#0182
