


253026fc.gif?v=d7271437 KEON FACTZ 253026fc.gif?v=d7271437

★ as a former member of the knife gang he was involved in, he has a knife collection!! its not very big but most of them are considered rare or hard to obtain... he tried to be the best collector!! but it's been awhile since he's made any additions to it. he probably let go of the hobby of collecting them but he still keeps them and has no intentions of giving them away... even though he actually doesn't really like knives anymore.. he even says sometimes looking at them for too long can make him feel like fainting.

★ loves loves lovess butter... loves to put butter on anything he eats!! his favorite being crab legs and dipping that in butter ougghhh

★ used to play all kinds of sports!! usually it was his parents that made him join all kind of sport clubs and teams but he thought it would also make him better and liked to impress them anyway and soon joined them by will... name a sport and keons most likely played it before at least once. he doesn't have a favorite though

★ looves the thought of surviving life or death situations... thats one of the reasons why he really likes motorcycles and wants to ride them all the time

★ his favorite kind of music is punk!! he also likes loud music in general to drown out his thoughts and worries

★ haytes your mom joeks.... will sock you hard in teh face if you make one directed towards him o_o

★ mommas boy... he is very protective of his mom! he actually still lives with her lol.. he does his best to look out for her and make her life a little easier by helping her out with things ^.^

★ he has very resentful feelings towards his dad. he hasn't heard from him ever since he was small.

★ keon is definitely repulsive of people who make too many crude jokes or too flirty towards him if they're not close liek that...

★ keons a fan of pokemon! his favorite pokemon is blaziken and his favorite eeveelution is flareon hehe :3c

★ keon is really good at cooking! he learned mostly from his mom haha

★ keon really looks forward to helping his girlfriend koto's dream motorcycle gang!

★ his best friend is Drake ! one of the closest people in his life! he is even lowkey attracted to him n has some feelings but is very much in denial about it. drake has no idea about this.

★ keon is bisexual, but unfortunately with his internalized homophobia he is also very much in denial about it. he'll tell you that he's straight all the way and theres no way he could develop feelings for anyone who's not female (loud incorrect buzzer noise). despite this, he doesn't actually go out of his way to disrespect those who are queer, he just. is in denial about himself does that make sense

★ keon went to the same highschool as drake and koto! koto and keon however didn't talk very much and it wasn't until a couple years after they graduated n happened to bump into each other again!

★ keon was bullied a lot when he was little... his internalized homophobia stems from this.. :(

★ agh did you know keon is dead ass based on this fucking meme im not even joking like this is literally him he was a joke character but now this is slash srs HELPME WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPIENNEING

★ keon is... on somewhat on good terms with his ex, Percy .. however he tries to distance himself from them because he knows they still have feelings for him and he well. does not lol

★ keons a fucking slut for pancakes and hamburgers


okay thats all i have now real question is


whos winning chat /silly