Henry Thomas Davis



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Henry Thomas Davis


Hen-Hen, A.P. (Aunt Poisoner), Dad Henry, The Eyebags Guy, Powder-Loving Freak, Karaoke King, Broken Traffic Light, Coffee-Haired Boy, Spice Girls Fanboy, and plenty of more to come!






Male (He/Him)


Sweets, caffeine, "other substances" (Omg I just realized how bad this sounds. I meant drugs.), feeling in a position of power, cooking, singing, cats and different types of music.


Getting humiliated, Daniel, pissed off or overwhelmed, crowds unless he's the one in the spotlight, some kinds of people and himself, at some degree.


Ethan James Dawn


Ethan (Boyfriend), Andrew (Best friend), Edward (Friend), Leonard (Friend), Amy (Friend) and Cocoa (Pet)


Jan, Daniel, [Insert his entire family]


Ryan, Jenelia, Leopoldio, Johnattan


When I introduce him, I usually say that Henry Thomas Davis is, in a nutshell, a 24-year-old man who moved from home recently and is trying to get his life together, kinda. He's quite a pessimistic guy and has a mostly aggressive/mean demeanor when talking to other people, so he's not really the kindest lamb in the herd (I don't think that's an expression, but whatever). And THEN after that, I add that his favorite music band is the Spice Girls.

He can be fun to be around with if he's on your side, though, and will not hesitate before providing you help or advice if you need some.

However, he's prone to acting out of impulse and has a hard time controlling his emotions or understanding what other people might be feeling/putting himself in their shoes. He often lies his way out of trouble and will not question himself before dragging someone else into the lie or doing something that would be of inconvenience to someone else, friends included, if it's for his own benefit.

He is aware that his actions or words may hurt on some occasions, and even though the fact haunts him from time to time, he has yet to try and change his behavior. He's aware that he's not a good person, but he hasn't tried to change yet, which is one of his character flaws.

He does eventually accept help from Ethan James Dawn, who offers to help him become a better person, but mostly to get closer to him, rather than actually work on himself.

Henry currently has one pet: Cocoa. He and Ethan found him on a walk through the forest and took him home because the cat wouldn't leave their side. They didn't ask, though, and they live with two other people (who I still have to work more on but shhhh...), one of which is allergic to cats (funny thing, though, the allergic guy, Ryan, loves Cocoa and it's the other guy, Daniel, who has more of a problem with him).

Henry's currently unemployed but has worked at a bakery, at a bar, and at a restaurant. He quit the first two himself and got fired from the last one because of multiple reasons. He was a cook in all three establishments.

In relation to the previous fact, this guy absolutely adores cooking. His favorite dish to make is soup, although pancakes and apple pies follow closely.

Something else he really likes, which just like the Spice Girls fact seems unlikely, is singing. He's always loved to, and is, actually, pretty good at it! A group of friends and he like to hang out at a Karaoke-Singing place next to his hometown, funny enough. Only Ethan knows that, though.

^ That and musicals. He's a sucker for musical theater.

Something important about him is that he barely sleeps (hence why his eyebags look the way they look), since he feels like he loses a lot of time doing so. Instead, he pretty much runs on coffee. Black coffee, specifically, with lots of sugar. He loves sugary stuff.

In case he DOES fall asleep, though (either it's because he's with Ethan or has spent too long without drinking coffee), he'll be almost impossible to wake up. Like, unless you're ripping his arm off or scooping his eyes or something, you'll never get him out of his slumber until he wakes up himself.

So far, he's owned three pets: Jennifer, a white cat; Phill, a hedgehog, and Cocoa, a brown kitten with long hair and small ears.

He's my favorite OC and someone I really like to make fun of and draw ^^ he was created around January of 2022, so he's nearly two years old.

And here's some info!

- He likes sweaters. No, he LOVES sweaters!! He's got a lot of sweaters. Many.

- A funny thing about him is that his favorite music band is the Spice Girls. He'll say it's something like Nirvana or Queen, though.

- This man runs on caffeine.

- He really likes cats, too. He's got one, in fact!! A brown, fluffy kitten with amber eyes.

- If there's something he REALLY enjoys, other than singing, then that's cooking. His best dish would be soup.

- He's prone to starting arguments, fights, and discussions, as well as being the kind of person who holds a grudge. His attitude is mostly aggressive and quite pessimistic, so there's your reason why.

- He's a night owl! As I've said earlier, the guy's sleep-deprived. That's because he thinks sleeping is useless. Well, not straight-up useless, but he doesn't see the point in laying down with your eyes closed for eight hours a day... So he doesn't! :>

- Due to the previous fact, he's pretty tired all the time, which he attempts to fight with coffee and candy (he loves candy btw! and sweet food in general!). If he ever were to forget to drink a punctual coffee, though, which has happened a couple of times, he would be a blink away from falling asleep.

- ALSO due to the fact before the previous fact, he could be doing anything while his roommates sleep. And when I say 'anything', I mean anything. 

- For example, Ethan, who's his boyfriend and pretty much the only roommate he actually talks to, has been woken by him multiple times at four, five, and two in the morning to eat recently made pancakes.

- When talking to himself, he uses his second name, Thomas.

- He's pale. Like, really pale. This man does need some sun to hit him in the face, huh...? I like to compare him to a drop of milk sometimes.

- He sings (And is, surprisingly, pretty good at it!)!

- He lives with three other men, though he only gets along with one of them, the previously mentioned Ethan.

- He's not very social, but when he's on your side, he can be quite fun to hang out with. Also pretty problematic, though.

- He's prone to lying his way out of things and has sometimes dragged friends of his into said lies, for them to help without knowing what even is going on.

- It is safe to say he enjoys the feeling of pain to a certain level.

- He actually somewhat cares about his hygiene... Sometimes...! Which is quite surprising, to say the least.

- If he were an animal, he'd definitely be a cat.

- HIS NOSE IS POINTY THAT'S IMPORTANT It's an important feature of his face

- He despises most of his body. However, he's always really liked his hair and eyes.

- Ethan and he once found a heart-shaped coffee bean, split it in two, and ate it. They did NOT like it.

- So far, he's owned three pets: Jennifer, a white she-cat; Phill, a hedgehog; and Cocoa, a brown kitten with fluffy hair and small ears.

- The first time Henry ever called Ethan by the nickname "Blondy" was to tell him to shut up, not even in an affectionate way. However, he liked it so he kept on using it.

- Ethan and Henry share a mutual friend, whose name is Leonard.

- Ethan's best friend, Jan, is extremely despised by Henry, almost to the point of hatred.

- Henry would DEFINITELY be a fan of El Cuarteto de Nos.

- Henry moved out of home as soon as he legally was able to. He would've gotten a job at 16 and done as much as he'd been able to own a car by the age of 18 and get the fuck out of that place.

He lived in his car and occasionally inside cheap motels until he was able to get a good job to give him a proper pay that he could buy a house with, which was at a restaurant, the name of which I'll come up with later.

Once he had that job and after an eternity of searching, he found a house that he could pay, which is how he got to the Freak House (they don't call it that but that's the name of that universe, so), which is WHERE he met Ryan, Ethan and Daniel, WHICH IS WHERE EVERYTHING TAKES PLACE.

- I once had a 11-minute-or-so debate on whether Henry was or not a Karen, defending that he wasn't, and lost.

- During Ethan and Henry's first few dates, Henry used to cover his eyebags with makeup in order to look more attractive. Then Ethan said his eyebags were attractive and he stopped covering them.

- There's one pajama that Ethan and Henry like a lot, so they both use it, and at this point, they forgot who it belongs to. It kinda just travels from closet to closet.

- Daniel and him have a hate-hate relationship. They despise each other to no end.