Cocoa James Davis



7 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


Cocoa James Davis


Buddy, Bud, Boy, Little Guy, Mr. Cocoa Powder, Mr. Sweet Drink, Sweet Pie, Pie, Hot Chocolate, Cupcake Boy, Little Boy, Kitty-Kitty, Fluffy Boy, Mr. Fluffs


4 months and 27 days


Male (He/Him)


Forests, wide spaces, treats, chicken soup, the scent of lavander, messy rooms, clean spaces, the living room's sofa, laying on Daniel's writings, sleeping, running, ants, Henry, Ethan, Jan, comfy rugs and attention


Sour foods (yuck!), oranges, Ryan, Daniel's hair, the smell of specifically Henry's blood, people yelling, discussions, bad words, fights, arguments and being ignored


"Dad" Henry (Owner), "Dad" Ethan (Owner), Jan (Ethan's best friend), Sam (A child Henry babysits sometimes), Leonard (Sam's father and a friend of his owners), Edward (A friend of Henry's), Andrew (A friend of Henry's), the vets, Martha (A friend of his and a literal ant), Amy (Ryan's niece and allergic to cats) and Emerald (Amy's cockatiel)


Ryan (He's allergic to cats), sickness, rain and the fridge's door


This guy here is Cocoa!

He's around four months old and was adopted by Henry and Ethan during a walk in the forest since the cat wouldn't leave their side. He settled pretty nicely at home and was bought a bed that got placed in Ethan's room, although Cocoa doesn't use it often as he prefers to sleep with his owners instead.

Generally, he's very friendly and will get along and play with anybody! He's very talkative and loves to tell stories, although nobody else understands what he says because he talks in meows.

His hair is very fluffy and pretty long, resulting in him shedding a lot, too. His ears are supposed to be small but sometimes I forget and draw him with normal-length ears.

He likes to lay on top of Daniel's work when he's writing, hiss at Ryan, hang around Amy, Ethanand Henry, and provide unconditional love and emotional support to his owners.

Here's how Cocoa views the people around him and stuff.

- He thinks it's weird that humans brush their hair and doesn't understand how it works, either, nor why they do it, because Ryan only brushes his hair occasionally, Henry brushes his hair extremely often, Ethan uses a special brush and Daniel doesn't brush his hair. The cat doesn't understand how hairbrushes work.

- He sees Henry's room as a jungle due to how messy it is.

- He thinks there's a monster living under the bathtub and that the water is its claws. He wants to befriend the monster.

- He thinks coffee is some sort of second sun and that it gives a divine kind of energy to whoever takes it and that that is why Henry takes it so much.

- He used to think Ethan smells like lavender because he covered himself in lavander for 10 minutes a day and then came back home, then he learned what perfume was.

- He thinks of the fairy lights in Ethan's room as tiny moons and believes they are magical.

- He sees the sofa as a huge mountain and sometimes imagines he's a lion when he climbed on top of it.

- He likes ants and once befriended one that was called Martha.

- He doesn't get why humans have no tail and thinks somebody cut them off when they were still kittens.

- At first, he wasn't sure if Ethan was a male or a female. He knows he's a male now, but still forgets sometimes.

- He doesn't chase his tail often because he thinks that it had feelings of its own.