


1 year, 10 months ago



Most often quiet and introverted, but can be outgoing once you get to know her. Loyal and protective of her family. Usually she tries to be gentle, as she's running from the harshness from her past Decepticon life, but when provoked or if her family is put in harm's way, she can become extremely hostile and violent.

Name Onix
Age 35 (Earth equivalent)
Height ~5 m
Gender Femme
Pronouns she/her
Species Mech; former techno-organic
Orient. Heterosexual
Taken? Yes
Home Detroit
World Transformers: Animated
Job Full-time mom
Creator 0nix
Status Alive
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Art
  • Time with her family
  • Sparring
  • Peace & quiet
  • Tight spaces
  • Megatron
  • Arguing (even when she's not involved)
  • When her kids get too loud and rowdy
  • Excessive unproductivity
  • Loves trying new things and inventing.
  • She made her own pet, a little black mecha kitty named Jasper.
  • Due to the love she once had for art during her techno-organic years, she took the time to create and program her own Cybertronian-esque art program, and is relearning to make art in her free time.
  • Huge mom vibes
  • Used to have a smoking problem, but disciplined herself to quit.

"When we first met, he tried to kill me. Then we became combatant partners, aaaand now we have 5 kids! Crazy, right?" -Laughs- "Really, though..we've been through a lot, both good and bad. He's amazing, and I'm thankful everyday that I was able to open his eyes and get him to follow me FAR AWAY from Megatron and his tyrant crap."

The KidsChildren

"Tor, Scorcher, IceFlair, Atom, and HailFaire...my precious babies. I love every one of 'em so much. They're the only thing other than Blitzwing that keeps me going and drives me to be the best version of myself everyday. Tor, Scorcher, and IceFlair are my beautiful triplets who hardly ever have problems with me; Atom is my handsome, soft boy who needs a little extra comfort and support from me sometimes...and then HailFire is my youngest; that pretty little lady has a lotta fire inside her, both in good and bad ways. Oh, and she definitely likes her dad more than me."

Artist Notes
  • The black stuff around her eyes/optics is NOT a visor!!
  • The things sticking up over her shoulders are gatling guns.
  • Her wings are expressive, so if you draw her expressing deep sadness, her wings droop, and when she's really happy her wings will perk up, etc.
  • Like Starscream, her Null Rays are attached to her biceps, not her forearms.
  • If you draw her with her forearm blades out, please know that they come out of the TOP of her forearms; her arms don't transform into the swords themselves.
Code & Design Edits | Vom Base Design | Pankuu