Jamison Jones



8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Jamison Jones


Most people refer to him as Jones; colleagues or subordinates usually call him Detective or Sir; Clay calls him Jonesy in public and Jamie in private




Dyric Ela Twiva Demon




Lead Inspector of Dyrelaw PD





Significant Other

Barnibas Clay (boyfriend), apparently has an ex-wife he's on neutral terms with

Creation Year



Doesn't talk about his parents; only child


Dyrelaw, Quilkente - Daliarivon

Current Home

Dyrelaw, Quilkente - Daliarivon


Physical Appearance

  • Short dark slate/blue-ish gray hair with cowlick bangs; looks black unless the lighting is very bright
  • Gray eyes (were apparently blue during his youth and only turned gray in his adult years)
  • Tall in height
  • Fair skinned
  • Physical fit with well built muscles
  • Small mole near his right temple
  • Mild scruff on chin, usually more unshaven if he's been working on the same case for a while
  • Despite being a half-elf, his ears are completely human looking and are not pointed at all
  • Has a diagonal scar across his chest later on in his narrative

Clothing Style

Jones has an interesting combo of dressing somewhat professional but also looking somewhat rugged or like a freelance detective despite having such a high rank in the police department. His lower layer consists of a white button up shirt, black pants and shoes, and he'll typically wear a tie if he's not too focused on his current case to think about it. He tends to wear either a black or dark blue high collar trench coat over that though, both which are rather worn out and semi-ragged. His blue one is especially worn out, with the coat tails being somewhat torn, burned, and having a few bullet holes in various places. He only tends to wear it while deep into his investigation. His black coat is in better condition, so he most commonly wears this at the station, at his office, or during his initial investigations. When left to his own devices he tends to dress less professional because it's not important to him.

Other than his usual work clothing, he also wears a belt with his pants and across his shoulder, both having various pouches for holding supplies such as evidence bags, sterilized gloves, and other tools. They also double as ammunition belts. Jones has a number of badges/medals, but he only has them on his nice jackets, which he doesn't like wearing during investigations and will only wear them during special events. Jones used to wear some dog tags tucked under his shirt, but at some point he gifts them to Clay.


Jones is a serious and no-nonsense lead detective of Dyrelaw's police force, and he carries his work out with a confident, disciplined, and rather fierce approach. He is a very just and passionate man, and he is always meticulous and organized with anything involving his job. He can be very intense and a bit hard to approach at times, and he's a little hot tempered when others imply he's not doing his job properly or he might not know what he's doing. Jones doesn't take crap from anyone for any reason. Although he tends to put up with things if they comes from his superiors more often, he's not afraid to speak against even them if they dare to suggest he's not doing everything to the best of his ability already, since he's fully aware of his value to the force. He utterly despises when people try to tell him how to do his job, and he is extremely harsh on anyone, especially his subordinates, when they impede or slow down his investigations. He is a perfectionist and is always planning ahead, and he gets very snippy with people easily if they ask him innocent questions about the investigation or make suggestions to him he's already considered. He takes these as insults to his intelligence and experience, and although he works well with his team, he's not exactly a good team player with any outsiders.

Overall, Jone's demeanor when on the job always seems to be somewhat agitated or stressed out, or just tense in general. He is usually very moody or grumpy, and despite the fact he often is rather irritable he usually looks like he is even when he isn't due to his resting bitch face. He speaks very bluntly and never seems to be impressed by anything. He is definitely very hard to please and doesn't settle for anything but the best when it comes to the performance of his colleagues, and although he can tone things down for certain witnesses or informants, he is usually just as intense and intimidating toward those not involved with the police force. For this reason Jones isn't all that pleasant to be around at times, but despite how harsh he can be, he cares about protecting the citizens of the city from threats and is rather protective toward anyone in need, regardless if he likes them or not. He takes his responsibility as a protector of Dyrelaw very seriously, and as much of a grump he might be, he hates corruption and people who exploit innocents more than anything.

In casual situations/when off duty he is much more relaxed, and although he's still very serious and usually rather grim, his conversation/manner of speech is clearly less uptight. He doesn't open up to people very easily, but when he does he is capable of being sensitive and rather affectionate. He never shows this side in public though, so he sometimes comes off as a bit cold to his friends or significant others because he doesn't compromise his work ethic for them. Jones apparently has gotten more distant and closed off from opening up to people ever since his divorce several years ago, and he has a hard time trusting others in general unless they work to prove themselves to him first.


  • Skilled with various firearms and is very accurate with his shots
    • Has a standard issue glock for work, although he does own a few other personal firearms
  • Highly skilled at noticing the smallest of details in even the messiest of places
  • Extremely meticulous and steady with his hands
  • A master at hacking devices and quickly cracking codes/passwords
  • Skilled at driving both police vehicles and his personal motorcycle


  • Confident, headstrong, and determined
  • Focused, intelligent, and has good intuition
  • Relentless, extremely thorough and efficient, and a critical thinker
  • Disciplined, reliable, responsible, protective, and a good judge of character


  • Moody, harsh, and hard to please
  • Has an explosive temper and isn't terribly nice to people that get in the way or slow his work
  • Emotionally closed off and keeps his more friendly side private
  • A workaholic and has almost no tolerance for criminal activity


Jones apparently has lived in Dyrelaw all his life and was highly successful in his education early on, allowing him to finish school and move through college at a relatively young age. He was notably the youngest detective sworn in to the Dyrelaw police force at age 19, and he is currently the lead inspector specializing in murder investigations. He is well known for his investigative skills and a perfect record of always finding the killer for just over a decade. 

Recently he's been focused on the industrial district within the city, now riddled with increasing criminal activity from gangs and the mafia. Since then he's started regularly encountering a journalist, Barnibas Clay, on all his crime scenes searching for a scoop. Although he persistently tries to chase him off, Clay is equally persistent, and as much as Jones hates to admit it, Clay's own personal investigations and willingness to trade info with him has assisted in finding clues and perpetrators more often than not.


  • Jones's general appearance was roughly inspired by the avatar I use for an app game I played called Criminal Case. The resemblance is mostly apparent in facial structure/expression and clothing choices.
    • His last name was taken from another character in the app along with his general hairstyle, although their personalities are nothing alike.
    • The first name used by the player character in my app happens to be "Jimbo" since it's attached to a silly side Facebook account I have. Jimbo is typically a nickname for Jim or James, which I took into account for Jones's first name, but I decided to pick something less common, like Jamison.
  • When Clay first asks him if anyone ever calls him Jamie, Jones responds, “Not since I was a still a rookie.” Apparently none of his original team members still work in Dyrelaw and have either moved on to other things, been transferred to other locations, or were otherwise removed from the force. The only person he worked closely with from his rookie days that still regularly interacts with him on the job is the chief.
    • When Clay asked him if he could call him Jamie, he was surprised when Jones responded, “I don’t care.” Clay only calls him Jamie in private.
  • Jones’s original design did not include the mole on his right temple or his eyes being blue during his youth. I added this in later to reflect the avatar I used in Criminal Case: The Conspiracy.
    • I never would have changed my avatar if they had offered the same customization choices as the orignal game and the previous 3 expansions, but no. This one had to be a separate app and make you start all over despite the fact the game treats you as the same character as before if your other app is connected. Whatever. -_- 
    • I guess my old avatar looked more similar to Clay anyway, so I figured my new one would attempt to look more like Jones instead. The only options I liked though looked much too young, so I decided it would be a “younger rookie cop” version of Jones instead, hence the design tweaks added later.
  • Jones has a lot of dogs and a couple not-dogs that just blend into the dogs, most of which he either has adopted or is fostering. All of them seem to love Clay.
    • One happens to be a tiger, which he has no idea how it got here, but he's holding onto it since it came home with his dogs after a trip to the park. He initially planned on getting it to a zoo or wildlife center, but he waited too long. Now it fits in with his dogs like family and he decided to just keep it.
    • Pretty much all of his dogs have “flunked out of police dog training,” and he has either adopted or is fostering until a good home can be found. The only one that is a real police dog and he brings with him on investigations is an akita named Shina, who seems to have picked up his ability to find things.
    • He hires a pair of sisters to work as housekeepers and dog handlers to make sure his home is tended to and his pets are all taken care of while he’s working. These sisters and their friends also rotate walking the dogs regularly, and Jones apparently tips very well for it.
  • Jones was apparently married before but got a divorce because he spent more time working than at home with his wife, and his wife couldn't handle the amount of time his job required and the stress of the risks it entailed. The two split relatively cleanly and on mutual terms, but it’s clear that Jones isn’t interested in talking much about her.
    • They apparently married relatively young, probably early twenties. Jones thinks they rushed in too quickly based mostly on emotion and didn’t consider some of the red flags that would later lead to their divorce. He apparently thought that she would get over her concerns about his job, and she apparently thought she could change his mind and get him to step away from it for the sake of having a new family.
    • Jones was open to the idea of having children, but he acknowledges he is too much of a workaholic and would likely be a bad, mostly-absent father.
  • A lot of Jones’s acquaintances and even some of his closer colleagues tend to assume he’s straight rather than bisexual, mostly because he doesn't really seem interested in romantic relationships in general since he’s a workaholic but he also once had a wife that he genuinely loved and cared about at the time.
    • Jones simply hasn't given himself the opportunity and time commitment to attempt seeking out a new relationship because he’s always busy with work, which was the main issue that lead to his divorce in the first place.
    • Honestly, the only reason he and Clay end up together is because Clay is just much too persistent and pushy about doing whatever it takes to get his scoop, and not even Jones’s bitchy attitude could scare him away. Most people wouldn’t tolerate Jones long enough to melt that icy shell of his. ^^;
  • He enjoys driving his motorcycle as a hobby and to relax, but he rarely has time to do so due to his work.
  • While he's not especially hairy, his hair is very dark, so the hair on his arms, chest, legs, etc is particularly noticeable if he's not wearing something to cover it (although it's only applicable if I get around to drawing him like that ^^;).
    • Clay seems oddly fascinated by this, probably because his own hair is incredibly fair, and Jones finds it a little weird that Clay tends to play with his arm hairs if he's not wearing sleeves around him.
  • Jones isn't entirely sure why he's so good at hacking devices and guessing passwords, especially since he doesn't even like computers and technology that much to begin with.
    • He remarks that you don't have to like something to be skilled with it.
  • He enjoys doing puzzles and solving riddles, but he often gets frustrated when he manages to solve things too quickly. He is much happier when something makes him think about it for a long while (outside of time-sensitive work related things, of course).
  • He actually hates coffee but drinks a lot of it to keep himself awake, since he hates most energy drinks even more.
  • He loves grilled foods like burgers and hot dogs, which makes it easy to get food with Clay that they will both like.
    • Also likes Chinese food, or at least the Aaquanixie equivalent to Chinese food considering they’re not on Earth so China wouldn’t exist in their setting.
  • His favorite breakfast food is waffles, and he’s pretty good at making them at home.
  • Jones apparently enjoys cooking, but he rarely has time to do so because of his job.
  • Starts drinking juice more regularly than coffee after he spends more time with Clay, because Clay always drinks fruit juice and tends to offer it to him.
    • He tends to favor orange juice.
  • His favorite snack that is easily accessible to him is potato chips. He's usually not that picky about flavor choice. He tends to eat them a lot when working at his computer for extended periods of time.
  • Doesn't really listen to music that frequently and couldn't hold a tune to save his life.
    • To his dismay his partners listen to country music around him the most, which he tolerates but actually hates; he's not really into music in general, but he can appreciate classical music.
  • Apparently was in a scouting troop during his childhood, although he doesn't really talk about it.
  • His favorite color is blue.
  • Has the uncanny ability to fix broken items that one wouldn’t think would be fixable once broken. Asking him how he does it won’t yield any answers.
  • He doesn't display much affection or tenderness in general, so he comes off as cold and uncaring; however he does have a soft side when off duty; he is viciously protective of whoever he cares about.
  • "Get the fuck off my crime scene."
  • Original team members: Debbie Gratia, Alan Lexington, Tomas Miraz, David Hale, Judith Chambers
  • Following a particular case further along in his narrative, Jones gets a scar on his chest that is a diagonal cut from around the top of his sternum down to around the bottom of his ribcage on his left side. The scar upturns slightly at the bottom and creates a slight acute angle for about an inch before it ends. This was from a perpetrator attempting to carve a pentagram like shape onto his chest with a knife.
  • Jones doesn’t talk about his parents, but they apparently don’t live in Dyrelaw anymore and left a few years after he became a police officer. 
    • His father is apparently an Ela Demon and his mother a Dyric. His father’s demonic aura was apparently very weak since he did not interact with other demons much, so Jones doesn’t display signs of also being a demon beyond some minor sensitivity to demonic energies and Lyfe or Lyte based energies/rifting.
    • Due to being part Ela in general, Jones physically matured a bit more slowly compared to his Dyric peers since Ela have longer lifespans and slower growth. Combined with the fact that he progressed through school faster than standard and joined the police force at the age of 19, Jones was always accustomed to looking younger than his peers. Most of his colleagues who knew him as a rookie might comment he looked very young compared to everyone else, and he was notably shorter than most of his peers since he didn’t grow to his current adult height until his mid-twenties.
  • Jones eventually figured out that Clay has a habit of taking pictures of him in some attempt to get a good shot of his butt. Clay claims he’s just trying to get a cool shot of him from behind where the framing is just right with his coat blowing back in the wind, but Jones is pretty sure Clay’s repeated frustration isn’t from not getting the framing perfect and is actually from the wind not blowing his coat up enough for Clay to evaluate his booty.
    • “Why is this folder full of pictures of my butt?” “I-It’s not! These are just... failed attempts of the cool behind the back windswept shot I’m trying to get!” “If they’re failed attempts, why don’t you just delete them?” “YOU CAN’T JUST DELETE THINGS LIKE THAT, THAT’S LIKE THROWING OUT EVIDENCE” “Evidence of what? Me regularly doing squats at the gym?” “...I didn’t know you went to the gym, when does that usually happen?” “Don’t take out your calendar.” “I’m... not, I’m just... taking some unrelated notes...”
  • On that note, Jones does regularly use the gym facilities at the main Dyrelaw PD building. He usually evaluates video or audio evidence/data or catches up on his voicemails while working out.