Aves Species Basic Info (Physical Characteristics)



1 year, 10 months ago


All Aves have a beak, feathers, warm bodies and stand on two legs. 

- Although our beaks can not move, the inner lip between our beaks has a remarkable amount of flexibility, allowing us to be quite expressive when we need to be.

- Our noses tend to be right above or on our beak.

- Our ears, for the most part, are placed right behind and a bit below our eyes and are hidden behind a thin layer of feathers making it appear as if we have none. Despite this, in general, our hearing is quite sharp.

- The placement of our eyes (on the front or side of our head) varies quite a bit between subspecies, however, most of us have them pointing at least a tad forward.

-Our hands and feet will commonly share characteristics such as being clawed or webbed and our legs and hands tend to be scaled on the top.

- Our fingers and toes almost always have some form of nail or claw on them used for holding onto things or scratching foes in a pinch.

- We also have an extra digit beyond our hand that allows us to move our primary feathers on our arms. This is to help get them out of our way when we need to as well as help us to move them for dramatic effect.

-We often have feathers on our arms and tail that are long and sturdy.

-The feathers on our arms and tail are mostly used for showing off, but can also be used for balance or as an element of surprise in a pinch.

- unlike many of the the wild bird creatures we can not use our wings to fly.

- Most Aves are rather smart and cunning, but this can vary depending on the subspecies.

These are the main physical characteristics that many Aves share in common. There are other things that some subspecies share such as feather crests or loud cries, but these things are more unique to certain groups of subspecies rather than our species as a whole.

(For common mistakes made when drawing the Aves species see splash page here)

For a general idea for how to interact with an Aves and their social life see the Social Characteristics page.