Aves Species Basic Info (Outfits)



1 year, 10 months ago


There are many different kinds of fashion based on each subspecies and species, however across all aves there are some similarities in how they dress and what tends to be preferred design.

Sleeveless Style

The largest, almost universal style for clothing among Aves is the lack of sleeves. It is very difficult to find any shirts, dresses or cloaks with sleeves that are made for Aves. This is because almost all aves have long, primary and secondary feathers on their arms. Nearly all kinds of sleeves will compress, mess up and even break these feathers making it much easier to just have no sleeves and not have to deal with that. There are some Aves, like those that identify as Penguins, that do not necessarily have this problem, however as it is the general style for Aves they also will frequently wear outfits without sleeves.


When it comes to fashionable colors and designs for outfits this varies widely depending on the subspecies. Many subspecies will prefer a specific color combination, such as Bowerbirds preferring blues and yellows for their outfits and pinks or reds are preferred by most hummingbirds. Although in general these colors can be found on these subspecies as they find the colors pleasing, some may choose to wear something else as it works better in their environment or for their job.

For more fancy clothing or accessories colors that change when exposed to UV light or things that are reflective and shiny are often used. However these type of clothing are most often saved for high society events or when one is showing off or courting another Aves.

Foot Protection

Out of all the Animalian species the Aves are the most likely to be found not wearing full foot gear. Their feet are generally very dexterous and help them grip onto things or move agile. If they wear shoes the protection they gain will be at the expense of their increased dexterity. Some Aves will try to get the best of both worlds by wrapping cloth or bandages around their feet helping to protect them but still allowing them to use their talons. Doing so however doesn't give them the full protection that shoes would normally give them and they also don't have the full range of movement that wearing no shoes would allow. Because many Aves choose to go bear foot it is harder to find footwear for Aves, but not impossible. Shoes that fit them can be spotted by their more triangular foot shape allowing their toes to spread out inside the shoe and thus still help them keep balance while remaining protected.

Oils and Perfumes

Although all species like to smell good and may try to enhance their scent with perfumes, Aves often take it a step farther and will apply oils to their feathers. This special oil helps to keep their feathers neat and clean and some may even be infused with perfumes for an extra sort of polish. They may spend many hours applying it at night or early morning to each feather, making sure that every one is in the right spot. If the oil isn't frequently applied their feathers will start to get fuzzy, dirty and ragged. In extreme cases the feathers can even fall out if neglected. There are a number of other species that often think the Aves species are more stuck up or obsessed with how they look because of the constant application of oils, but it is simply necessary for us to do to take care of our bodies properly.

Tribe Pride

Along with pleasing colors many outfits will have one's tribe symbol somewhere on them. This could be embroidered into their shirt or smithed into one's belt buckle. It is proper to wear only ones own tribe symbol, but sometimes a piece of clothing or accessory is passed onto an Aves from another tribe as a kind of moments or way to remember them. Because of situations like this you may occasionally spot an Aves wearing the symbol from a different tribe. This is considered by most Aves to be a bit odd, but perfectly acceptable. However if a different species is spotted by an Aves wearing a tribe symbol the Aves will most likely consider this rude and demand a good explanation for it. (See tribes for more info regarding tribes as well as examples of their symbols)