Clime Time



1 year, 8 months ago



ClimeTime (no last name) 


Trans man 


Just old enough to be married 




Sanos Forest


‘The Bitch’ ClimeTime is full of energy and is bold with everything he does.The way he acts fits into Gnome stereotypes, many see him as strange and acting with no rhyme or reason. But! Hej does have his one Rhyme to life, but it's one that dances around rather than making any sense to a non-gnome. Because of the way his brain works it often takes him longer to figure things out, often jumping to the wrong conclusion, a conclusion that would only make sense to a gnome and even then... 

He’s known for rudely staring at people, if confronted he will reply with a perfect plan and idea of a piece of jewelry that will look stunning on the person. But his ability to change the subject from a rude stare to selling someone on jewels,is 50/50 at best. 

ClimeTime has a hard time caring to listen to other people's opinions on what's right or wrong, he has his ideas about that and is not easily moved by what others say.  He often gets in fights with people who voice opinions other than his own. 

ClimeTime loves to care for his appearance, taking extreme care of his hair and clothes. His jewelry that he wears is another story, he often changes the shape of his ring to fit new styles. He’s also known for wearing jewelry under his clothes where no one will see it, just for the love of the art. If it was fashionable he would wear only jewels if he could. 

ClimeTime does not love jewelry for the greed and value of them. But for the art itself. Finding it being the most beautiful of wearable art. Being able to bend metal into dainty objects gives him a sense of power and control, a feeling that the greater world makes sense. He loves that a piece of jewelry can remind them of someone who loves them, of someone they lost, or even remind someone why they wake up every day. An art so moving that it just melds into your daily life, almost like a part of your soul. 

ClimeTime has a hard relationship with the idea of love, he has always claimed to not understand it. Fully out of the fear of falling in love. He spends a lot of energy to not love others, even to like someone can be too much for him to feel. And after his wife died and feeling of love is even harder for him. He tries to seem full of himself so no one else would dare try to let themselves into his life the way his wife did. 


Runs the Platinum Platypus. 


ClimeTime comes from the Sanos Forest, he had an easy childhood that didnt have more than the normal amount of ups and downs. Transitioning to male wasn't a hill for him to climb, it just made sense and the people around him respected that.

 It wasn't till he met his life Lucy Dinescu that his world started to change. They met at a small jewelry supply store in a small town whose name is meaningless. Lucy was traveling to see if she could find strange new things for her hobby. And ClimeTime was there for much the same reason. It felt right out of a book, ClimeTime was much too short to grab something he wanted to look at, and Lucy picked it up for him. They spent nearly all day in the store, just chatting. Their words seemed to melt togreather in a way that no one but them could follow what they were saying. She would talk about the things she knew about the big city (Korvosa) she was from. Unknowingly enchanting ClimeTime with Ideas of a place far far from his forest home. He would tell tales from the forest. Two different worlds, two different people. 

Once they had to part ways they would write letters as often as they could. Falling in love with each word they wrote and read. ClimeTime offered to marry her in one of these letters. And she said yes. He packed up his things and hardly said goodbye to his family as he set off to his new life. The Dinescu wasn't a huge fan of the two marrying at first. But when the Family met Clime they fully understood why the two would want to be togreather. 

The Two soon opened a store called The Platinum Platypus. They used most of their saving to do so, and at first they had to rely on the help of the Dinescu’s to get the ball rolling. But it started to get easier month after month. Life was feeling perfect… Until… Lucy was murdered. 

ClimeTime’s whole world stopped. For weeks he just wanted to lay down and stop existing. Dying wasn't even enough, he didn't want to exist.The only thing that let him pull threw was the Dinescu family, and Lucy’s Pet Platypus Boyd. At first the others around him felt like a heavy chain he had to pull along in his darkest moment. He even started taking Shiver  even now and then to lighten the load. 

These Weeks turned into a few months and this darkness started to turn into just a tint of gray over his life. He gained a bit of his spark back. His Niece Lonetta Dinescu started to become a Apprentice for his shop. Six months have passed by now and ClimeTime starts to shape himself back to the person he used to be. But a few days ago, he found the ring at the market, and the merchant said he purchased it from a man named Gaedren Lamm. He has a new goal now, the least he can do is get answers.