Acardia (Reference)



Art Reference Info
Personality / Posing
  • Cold, if she smiles it's menacing (even if she doesn't always mean it that way).
  • Royalty, tends to hold herself very straight-back, often found sitting with other people rushing around her.
  • Resting bitch face
  • She's inspired by the Queen of Hearts - her glare could kill, and her anger intimidates even those much larger than her - i.e. her anger should be portrayed very strongly
  • If she nervous she'll either hide her hands behind her back or fiddle with whatever object she's holding. Doesn't come across in her face
Design Notes
  • Older woman, in her 60-70s, should have wrinkles, and possibly small white hairs.
  • She has many dresses, but they are mostly traditional Tang Dynasty Chinese dresses, and most have rose motifs
  • The roses in her hair are attached to her, they should never be removed in drawings.
  • Her ankles - if you ever draw them uncovered - should have roses attached to them.
* Some images have additional clarifying info