Angeliki "Angel" Kouris



1 year, 9 months ago


Full Name
Angeliki Kouris
early 20s
cis female
"Angel"; "Kiki"
June 2 (Gemini)
Shedu Handler; Jockey

Angeliki, or "Angel" as she's known online, embodies a unique blend of resilience, vivacity, and compassion. From a challenging upbringing marked by orphanhood and life on the streets, she emerged with an adventurous spirit that fuels her zest for exploration and love for all creatures. As the "mom friend" of her circle despite being the youngest, Angeliki's nurturing nature harmonizes with her assertive and take-charge attitude. Her journey from hardship to the embrace of the KAIROS family catalyzed her evolution into an Instagram model and an aspiring jockey.

Height 5'1ft || 154cm
Hair Color Dark Brown
Hair Texture Slightly Wavy
Scent Vanilla, Amber
Build Petite, fit
Eyes Brown
Skin Olive; Tanned
Fashion "Instagram Baddie"
  • Angeliki's perfect wavy dark brown hair cascades down her back, sometimes styled in intricate braids that she skillfully weaves herself. It's a reflection of her love for both aesthetics and practicality while working around the cattery.
  • Despite her petite stature, she carries herself with an air of confidence that commands attention.
  • She really enjoys makeup and staying on top of the latest beauty trends. She is particularly fond of winged eyeliner and lashes. Even if she's just working around the cattery, it's unlikely to see her without anything applied at all.
  • Her olive-tanned features delicate sun-kissed freckles that emerged after spending time outdoors. These freckles, like constellations, add a natural touch of whimsy to her appearance that some of her followers attempt to replicate with makeup.
MBTI ESTP-A (The Entrepreneur)
Enneagram 8w9 (The Diplomat)
Demeanor Bubbly, Sarcastic
Alignment Chaotic Good

Beneath Angeliki's interests in makeup and being an influencer lies a depth of character that defies first impressions. Her vibrant and assertive exterior is rooted in empathy and a strong sense of justice. Unafraid of confronting challenges, she approaches personal and societal issues with confidence and determination. Additionally, she possesses a nurturing heart that embraces the role of the "mom friend," offering both support and a no-nonsense approach to those she cares about.

Driven by curiosity, Angeliki thrives in the present moment, exuding an adventurous spirit that fuels her zest for exploration. Her creativity finds expression through engaging Instagram posts, detailed stories, and her various pursuits. This attention to detail serves her well in her Instagram modeling and other endeavors, although it can sometimes lead to moments of perfectionism and frustration.

Assertive and unafraid of confrontation, Angeliki values harmony and takes charge in various situations. Grounded and practical, she prioritizes action over abstract theorizing. Her impatience and touch of defiance may push her into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences, however, her charismatic and bold nature allows her to seize opportunities without hesitation, making her a natural leader who isn't afraid to step forward for the good of the people.

Positive Traits

Empathetic Adventurous Expressive Social Natural Leader

Neutral Traits

Spunky Spontaneous Opinionated Sarcastic

Negative Traits

Impulsive Emotional Rebellious Stubborn



  • swimming
  • makeup
  • social media, blogging, modeling
  • photography
  • true crime documentaries
  • animals, time in nature


  • Desires: feeling secure, in control.
  • Fears: being betrayed, feeling powerless.
  • As a social media influencer, she is often sponsored by Shedu and Beauty brands and is sent free products.
  • She once tried skydiving on a dare and found it exhilarating, despite her initial nervousness.
  • She is an avid plant enthusiast and has turned her living space into a mini indoor jungle with a variety of houseplants.
  • She has a soft spot for rescue animals and has adopted several pets from shelters, including Rex.


Angeliki Kouris's early life was marked by a series of unfortunate events that led to her orphanhood and subsequent life on the streets. Born to parents who faced their own difficulties, she tragically lost both of them when she was young due to health problems and financial struggles. With no immediate family, Angeliki's life took a difficult turn as she became involved in the post-war foster care system.

Her experiences in the child care system were far from ideal. A string of failed placements left her feeling disconnected and unsupported. Despite the best intentions of some caregivers, Angeliki struggled to find a stable and nurturing home environment. The instability combined with the emotional toll of feeling rejected, took a toll on her well-being. As a teenager, these challenges led her to seek comfort in unhealthy relationships and substances.

Eventually, Angeliki found herself on the streets. Her resilience, resourcefulness, and unfortunate connections allowed her to navigate this challenging life, but it was a period of extreme hardship that she does not like to speak of to this day. Living without a stable home, financial security, or consistent emotional support, it was a harsh reality.

At some point she met Nikos while trying to chase down her next high. Drawn together by shared experiences of hardship, a desire for a better life, and a cigar, they formed an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of adversity. He assumed the role of a protective older sibling, creating a sense of security that allowed Angel to envision a brighter future for the first time. They spent many late nights together, discussing their ambitions and laying out plans for escaping their circumstances one day.

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Angeliki's journey took a serendipitous turn when she discovered a local event showcasing shedu cats, a species that had always captivated her interest. Drawn to their majestic presence, she dragged Nikos along with her. Despite promising to hang back in the crowd, she soon stepped out of the shadows and immersed herself in the event, absorbing every detail about these mystical creatures (with Nikos close behind).

Elena, the founder of KAIROS Racing, happened to be present at the same event. Observing Angeliki's genuine fascination and natural affinity for the shedu cats, Elena struck up a conversation with her and Nikos. Their talk revealed Angel's exceptional spirit and passion, despite the challenges she had faced. Impressed, Elena invited her to the KAIROS Racing facilities to experience the world she admired. This visit became a turning point, leading Angel to join the KAIROS family at eighteen alongside Nikos.

The supportive environment of KAIROS Racing provided her with the stability and care she had long yearned for, offering a chance at a better life. As she got clean and flourished under Elena's mentorship, Angeliki not only found family but also discovered her passion for working with the remarkable Shedu Cats. The bond she formed with these creatures ignited a spark within her, fueling her dedication to become a jockey for the cattery.

Angel's newfound glamorous life unintentionally gained international attention as she documented every moment on social media. Her audience comprises those who admire her beauty, enjoy glimpses into KAIROS's behind-the-scenes life, and look up to her insights on various products and social issues, particularly concerning child advocacy, mental health, and animal welfare.

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