Nikolaos "Nikos" Masalis



1 year, 9 months ago


Full Name
Nikolaos Masalis
early 20's
cis male
heteroromantic heterosexual
August 10 (Leo)
Handler; Jockey

As a dedicated stablehand and jockey, his vibrant spirit finds purpose in nurturing the feline athletes and racing alongside them. With a history marked by challenges, he's conquered adversity through resilience and newfound family bonds. Nikos's charm effortlessly forges connections, fostering camaraderie among his colleagues. Beneath his playful exterior lies a deeper sensitivity, revealed in his self-taught photography and introspective moments. Unfazed by setbacks, Nikos is a beacon of optimism, his presence a testament to the transformative power of love.

Height 5'5ft || 165cm
Hair Color Black
Hair Texture Straight
Scent Sea breeze; Cologne
Build Lean
Eyes Brown
Skin Beige
Fashion Sporty; Atheleisure
  • He takes pride in his appearance and is always well-groomed and clean-smelling. Drop the skincare routine, boi!
  • Nikos's infectious smile reveals a slightly mischievous glint in his eyes, hinting at his playful and adventurous nature.
  • His athletic build is a testament to his active lifestyle, defined by a lean but well-toned physique.
  • His wardrobe is a mix of athletic wear and casual comfort, with a particular fondness for graphic tees that showcase his favorite bands and artists, as well as compression tops.
  • His hair, a tousled mess of brown-black locks, often gives him a carefree, windswept look.
MBTI ESFP-A (The Entertainer)
Enneagram 7w6 (The Pathfinder)
Demeanor Laidback
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Nikos brings a lively energy to the team with his optimistic and fun-loving nature, he's always up for a good time and embraces spontaneity and adventure. While he earnestly aims to follow rules, Nikos is prone to succumbing to temptations. His penchant for seeking new experiences suits his dynamic roles well.

He loves to stay active through running, cycling, and lifting, and he's even into parkour and urban exploring. His creative side shines through his love for photography, particularly capturing the beauty of nature and the captivating essence of his colleague, Angel.

Nikos's laidback and playful demeanor is paired with a surprisingly sensitive side. While some might dismiss him as an airheaded jock, he can be quite introspective and deeply cares about those around him. Open-minded and non-judgmental, Nikos diffuses tension, rarely resorting to anger or assigning blame. His sincerity fosters trust and camaraderie, making others feel valued and safe in his presence.

In the face of challenges, he remains a reliable and optimistic presence making himself a valued ally, but there are moments when self-doubt creeps in, leading him to wrestle with his own emotions. Rather than confronting these feelings head-on, he tends to channel them into various projects, using his boundless energy to stay busy and productive.

Positive Traits

Lively Optimistic Adventurous Open-minded Humorous

Neutral Traits

Playful Non-Confrontational Dry & Sarcastic Humored Laid-back

Negative Traits

Easily Bored Self-Doubt Impulsive Unfocused



  • running, cycling, lifting
  • parkour, urban exploring
  • photography (nature, of Angel)
  • music, Netflix n chill
  • traveling, visiting cities


  • Nikos is a football enthusiast, cheering passionately for his team and attending matches whenever he can.
  • Was diagnosed at 20 with ADHD and dyslexia. The impact on his daily life isn't significant, but he notably doesn't enjoy reading and often has Angel interpret for him.
  • A self-taught photographer, Nikos specializes in candid moments and sunrise landscapes.
  • He can play the guitar and often strums away during downtime, also entirely self-taught.
  • Dreams of backpacking through Europe.


Born into a humble family in a small Greek town adjacent to a bustling city, Nikos's childhood was filled with the vibrancy of local traditions and the warmth of close-knit relationships. However, as he grew older, his struggles with ADHD and dyslexia became more apparent, leading to academic challenges that left him feeling isolated and misunderstood.

Despite most of the world becoming a melting pot post-WWIII, he faced adversity in the small, traditional village due to being mixed race and for his shorter stature. To top it off, the significance of his father pretending some days that he was not hungry for dinner so that Nikos, his mother, and his two older brothers were fed was not lost on the boy.

In his teenage years, Nikos sought refuge in the busy city streets despite his mother's best efforts to keep an eye on him. After getting in with a bad crowd, Nikos began to take part in petty theft and other misdemeanors, driven by the belief that the ill-gotten funds could alleviate his family's struggles. His suspicious, secretive behavior and slipping academic performance strained his relationship with his worried parents and siblings, leaving him feeling betrayed and abandoned.

Nikos first encountered Angeliki shortly after entering the dangerous world of drug dealing. Drawn together by shared experiences of hardship, a desire for a better life, and a cigar, they formed an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of adversity. Nikos assumed a protective big brother type of relationship with Angel, but also felt inspired by her outlook and ambition where he had previously felt complacent with never amounting to anything more than a street rat. He began to see the world through her eyes and, through her, began to believe in himself too.

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One evening, Angel had dragged him along to this event showcasing magnificent creatures they had only heard about in stories. She had initally agreed they would only watch from a distance, but soon they found themselves walking through the crowd to get a better look at the festival. As they marveled at the animals known as Shedu Cats, Elena, the founder of KAIROS Racing, noticed their genuine fascination and struck up a conversation with them. Intrigued by their enthusiasm and potential, Elena extended an invitation for them to visit the KAIROS facilities.

Nikos's heart had raced with excitement as he stepped onto KAIROS soil, his eyes widening at the sight of the sleek and powerful shedu cats. They were fast... he wanted to go fast too. Elena saw the potential in Nikos, his genuine enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Recognizing his background and the challenges he had faced, she offered him a chance to join the team as a stablehand and jockey trainee alongside Angel. With a newfound purpose and determination, they eagerly accepted the offer. This was the chance they had always talked about.

In the present day, it's hard to picture the cattery without the infectious enthusiasm and vibrant energy that Nikos brings to the team. His role as a stablehand and jockey allowed him to channel his natural athleticism into a fulfilling career. With time, he has managed to patch up the strained relationship with his family, and they now wholeheartedly support him, taking pride in watching every race he competes in. Yet, there lingers an emotional distance on the jockey's part, hinting that he is still navigating the hurt he experienced in childhood. His commitment to his KAIROS family (and especially to Angel) takes precedence for him, all thanks to the sense of belonging he has found.

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