Yoh Hasegawa



1 year, 9 months ago


Yoh Hasegawa
Short subtitle.

Elio Herodoto Fallas Aguilar, Elio Hasegawa, 長谷川 洋
how i look putting he/him in my bio (she/her is good too)
Limón, Costa Rica
Social Worker
Sukoya Kana

Guy who builds silly robots and tinkers

"I try and get a car for cheap, like 40k yen, and it has doors from like 3 different vehicles. What, am I driving the Whip of Theseus now?!"

Yoh used to have very unrealistic dreams of getting rich, making it big and never having to work again in his life. He has recently grown past this desire and settles for living comfortably at least. Still, though, he wishes he could have the standards of a rich person and at least tries to emulate what he thinks is the attitude of someone who dresses snazzy. Yoh is outgoing and social, and likes making friends to talk with. He also likes causing very minor mischief, but he is very compassionate and considerate and doesn't want to actually hurt anyone. Annoying them is fine though.

Yoh is more on the frugal side for every matter but their clothes, which they would gladly spend half their salary on. They dress sharp and to make an impression. Yoh is also pretty practical about solving problems in their life, despite their minor in robotics engineering, and likes to take the simplest way out of a problem. Big occam's razor truther over here.


  • The first few rooms of his apartment don't have that many robots in them because what if the visitors think its weird you know. his room is filled with gadgets and gizmos and very small robots that do very simple things though. His little army...
  • he gives names to his favorite robots. I don't know what they are at this time.
  • "have you jailbroken your 3ds yet? its super easy anyone can do it"
  • His hobbies include: Building gadgets, Taking apart preexisting gadgets and making them better, Coordinating outfits, online clothes shopping, real life clothes shopping, baking, cooking things from costa rica that he found online and had never actually tried, 3d modeling, biting his nails, carving wood, and watching movies that you can turn your brain off for.
  • He usually works with immigrants to japan, and the lgbt+ community, seeing as he is part of both groups.
  • As for Yoh's whole gender situation i honestly have no idea. Not a man.
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Short subtitle.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non. In vitae turpis massa sed. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor.

Short subtitle.


not spitha from akroglam


Yoh was born in the port town of Limón to a costa rican parent and a japanese parent. Not long after his whole family moved to Japan, so he didn't really know much about costa rica in his youth. He formed a close and tight friendship with a girl named Nami Shibuya in elementary school, a friendship that would be strong and last until Yoh was in middle school, when Nami gets stuck in a Hollow Night and dies. Shocked by this and other difficulties living in japan, Yoh's parents move back to Costa Rica, and Yoh spends his highschool and college life there, wishing to return to japan.

Yoh tried so hard to be a stem kid and at first majored in robotics engineering but then he rethought his whole life and was like oh WOW i do not want to be making robots for big companies who will only use it for their own profit. So he minored in it instead and suddenly switched to social work, a field in which he was slightly more confident he would be able to help people. He also studied Japanese at this time (worked on it, really, he was fluent as a kid so he's just a little rusty.) and made plans to move back to Japan.

Yoh moves back to japan and settles in as a social worker for a while, making gadgets and gizmos on the side. Then, when he is around 31, Yoh himself gets stuck in a Hollow Night, and a Parasite Void calling itself "Tsugumi" latches onto him and stays after the Hollow Night ends. Yoh is confused, scared and completely at a loss of what to do. Tsugumi is completely unfazed, and informs Yoh that if he doesn't want to die in 3 days, they need to find some way to coexist. Yoh has barely any idea what to do, until he [uhhhh he finds out about nodoka through some forum and research and snooping]. After a quick chat with Nodoka about his predicament, he pays her a visit like "howdy miss there's a beast in me and not in a mental illness way help meeeeeee >.<" and they get it sorted real quick and Yoh thanks Nodoka a million times over and I personally think they should talk for like an hour after that just having fun.

Tsugumi spends some time hanging out in Yoh's hair, but decides to manifest itself in a humanoid form after a few days. Its appearance shocks Yoh to his core; She looks exactly like Nami before she died. This makes him lash out and tell Tsugumi to never show itself to him again, and Yoh cries it out for a while because he freaks out when he hears about Nami. Eventually Yoh tells Tsugumi to show herself again and Tsugumi is a little uncooperative... Yoh tells Tsugumi that he'll help her figure out her past if she cooperates and they can both work to understand her better (Borrowing a line he uses when helping struggling young people) and Tsugumi eventually obliges.

Eventually they do find out that Tsugumi is in fact Nami Shibuya from so long ago, and Yoh decides to tell it his memories with Nami. Tsugumi decides that she will be keeping the name Tsugumi, and that while it doesn't feel connected to the identity of Nami, she still wants to be friends with Yoh and wants Yoh to look past the film of nostalgia over his eyes and be friends with her as Tsugumi. Yoh obliges, and from then on they work on building their relationship up as best friends.

Short subtitle.


Host and Parasite

"How can... why do you look so much like... her?"

I literally elaborated on the whooole thing in the story section

at first he considers tsugumi a cruel reminder of his past and his grief but then after verifying she is Nami Shibuya he feels a sense of confusion and "this is so fucked up." Like imagine you meet up with your best friend from middle school but they didn't grow up and you did. It's like that. But it gets better.


Helped him out in a tough sitch

"Oh, Nodoka, thank you thank you thank you so MUCH! You pretty much saved my whole life! Can i keep in contact with you please? You seem like a fantastic lady to be around!"

He is eternally in her debt.

. .