
1 year, 9 months ago


"Disappointment takes us by surprise..."

Lilac Avery Myleer

She/her // Female

Probably straight

Feline // High Rank Angel

94 years (Barely conceived at death, although she appears to look about 13)

Doesn't really have a birthday, but she decided she wanted it to be May 14th

5'0 (149 centimeters)

Relatives: Dove (Mother), Truffle (Father), Vincent (Brother), Serenity (Niece)

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- An energetic and bubbly person in social situations but really she's really drained and kind of dreary when alone

- Tries to be the center of attention when people are around, she loves to make others laugh

- Has been in heaven since forever and is getting kind of bored of it, probably sneaks off with Vincent sometimes to go see things

- Short attention span

- Somehow, quite a sentimental person and can be found just reminiscing about pretty much anything. Really good at remembering little moments from the past and loves telling those stories to others if they'll lend an ear

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- Very distressed about all the drama that's in her family, particularly surrounding her father

- She really wishes her mother would let her go down to Ulruna to do more angel duties and just to generally explore, but her mother doesn't really trust her to and causes their relationship to be a bit strained

- Calls Vincent "Little brother" to his displeasure, doesn't do it to bother him exactly just likes the thought of having a younger sibling. She had to watch her family grow up without her after all, despite this she still loves him dearly and would probably take a bullet for him

- Is good friends with Lotus, they are like siblings cause they both died young

- Doesn't have any friends outside of her family because of the stigma surrounding her brother (Cause he's basically the president of hell at this point)

- Personally, one of my favorite character designs

- Is considering trying to escape heaven (Possible new story line?)

- Wears a lot of blue since it was Vincent's favorite color when he was a kid and she really looks up to him