
1 year, 8 months ago


Serenity Rouge Myleer

She/her // Female

Bisexual (Married)

Feline, small amount of bear // Currently Alive

Voice Claim: None

66 years old

Birthday is February 11th, 1956

5'6 (167 cm)

Relatives: Vincent (Father), Allison (Mother), Lilac (Aunt), Lemonade (Daughter), Lotus (Child)

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- Very hard working and stern woman, but she still knows when and how to have fun

- Calm and collected, comes off as wise. Is also very unphased by most things. Even things that should be surprising

- Doesn't appreciate being looked down on. She'll always try and take charge of a situation

- Protective of her family due to past traumatic events

- Brutally honest. Will tell you your new hairstyle is ugly and why


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- Scars are from Salem

- Got her dad's chronic resting bitch face for sure, she also has his sense of sarcasm.

- Conflicted with the drama surrounding her grandfather but is staying out of it since she still doesn't trust him, might never come around

- Has always been a fashion designer, is pretty well known but not celebrity level

- Lives alone in a fairly fancy house with maybe a housekeeper or two, but prefers to take care of it herself wherever she can

- Frequently gets visits from Lemonade and her two grandsons

- Mostly feline but has a bear-like nose and very sharp fangs for a cat

- Favorite colors are dark purple or mauve

- Has an old leather bag from her dad that he used to take to work everyday when he was alive, and a small lamb doll that he knitted her when she was a baby. Cherishes both items deeply