
1 year, 5 months ago


Viridian Aloe Myleer (Prefers being called Limeade)


Grew up in Herrington, Swindon

Looks 27, died at 66, is currently 130 (as of 2031)

Bisexual (pref: women) - divorced


^Tabby markings on her neck are only on the left side (facing forward).

^Hair stripes are different from face markings.

^Hat and gloves are optional (only on with the suit).

^Tail and ribbons and not optional.

^Suit is formal, feel free to draw her in just a chill outfit if you want. She actually has a good fashion since for being old. She loves hoodies and loose dresses!

*Confident when on stage, performing is when she can actually be herself. On her own she is shy and nervous unlike her formerly alive self. She loves to perform for her family and people, and dreams about running a (safe) circus to continue her previous ambition.

*She hates fighting, so much to go out of her way to avoid them. This often makes her look fearful and weak. Her husband argued with her almost every day.

*Absolutely adores her family and frequently buys them gifts and small treats as a ‘hello’ or just a small gift!

*She is actually on the opposite end of the scale from when she was alive, she now is financially stable with extra to spare! She currently lounges in her mansion with her small group of employees whom she loves dearly even though they aren’t family.

*When she isn’t in her mansion, she loves traveling! When she eventually got the spirit curse, one of the first things she did was sneak onto a plane (first class, without paying)! She ended up touring around Paris and most of Europe before she discovered she could teleport with the spirit powers. Since then, she loves to visit unique places and bring home cultural food, new customs, and many stories to share!

*She often needs to be around others a lot, since during her life they kept leaving her - or dying. She struggles with minor depression due to the death of her nephew, brother, and sister-in-law. She now hates the idea of suicide (after she committed) and will fight for someone‘s happiness if she can. 

!She has the ability to turn invisible and the ability to teleport via spirit powers.

(Former character of Lucifer.Runaway!!!)