Dr. Shrike



1 year, 7 months ago


Doctor Shrike

Cure to Immortality


Name Dr. Shrike

Called Butcherbird

Age ???

Gender Unknown

Race Unknown

Occupation Self-Proclaimed 'Doctor'

Orientation Unknown

Birthday October 14th

MBTI Unknown


When one dies, there's a multitude of things that may happen when one dies. They may go into heaven or hell, blessed or cursed into becoming divine. They may be beholden to the god they worship, or wander the realm they left behind as passersby with no debts or dues. But what happens when those spirits wither? Where do they go?

That's where Dr. Shrike comes in. She studies what lies beyond the cosmos of the afterlife, and the phenomenons behind death. But ultimately, there is one priority topic that she holds highest; immortality. The cycles of death are natural; reincarnation, one life into the next. There is change. Balance. But the forever living are not bound to such law- their perminance is an afront to the laws of nature. One that must be stopped. One that must be cured.


Cold and straightforward. She may have her manners, but she has no time for other matters. Her work is the most important thing of all- She doesn't have time for pleasures, save for diplomacy and the promotion of her projects.

Despite her appalling lack of social skills, she still has a few tricks up her sleeves when it comes to getting what she wants. (What she needs.)



She gave up her old life and name long ago- Change is a natural part of life, after all. The only thing that matters now is her research. She spends her days reading old texts of rituals and studing the arcana behind the heavens. She has seen aprentices come and go, wishing them tearful farewells as they continue on with their life. (And she is in no way disapointed, either- It's good that the youngsters will move on. It's simply that this is a constant she must accept.)

She is secretive of her practices, though welcomes all that seek her aid with open arms. Her 'methods' involve a wide range of acension and rituals, though also more 'scientific' means. We know not if her intent is honest. We know not if her work is for better or worse. We only know that she is here now, and we must make do. Change is a natural part of life, after all.


Nulla id molestie ex, eu vulputate felis. Ut consequat facilisis vulputate. Etiam lectus sapien, placerat non tempor vel, elementum sed sem. In sit amet sem pellentesque, convallis sem eu, consequat risus. Nam ac consectetur leo. Cras non orci nec dui auctor ultricies eget vitae sapien.

Mauris sagittis dui nec metus vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean bibendum ultrices dolor vitae euismod. Nullam consequat, massa id tempus facilisis, erat est bibendum ante, sit amet auctor lacus ante in mauris. Donec eu orci in libero suscipit vestibulum. Nam ipsum ipsum, pretium at urna nec, aliquet semper mauris. Quisque volutpat mollis orci. Aenean sit amet porttitor orci. Nullam lobortis enim in laoreet ultrices. Donec vitae diam erat.




Ukiyo and Shrike have had a long-running rivalry, bringing out both the best and worst in eachother. Shrike's views on necromancy are mixed, while Ukiyo is disaprooving of her 'methods.'


Shrike is both a frequent buyer and donor of plants both dead and alive, and they hardly meet on any terms other then buisness. They both apreciate eachother's dedication to their work, often doting on eachother's practices.



Dr. Shrike had aided Kenopsia in their accencion to divinity, and are on 'good' terms. There is a distinct distance between them, however...


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.



  • Shrike is infamous amongst her community and is often called a 'godkiller.' She claims that the title is true- only to a degree.
  • To say she can be 'hysterical' at times is an understatement.
  • Her place of residince is within her office in the city, down a lone street. Few dare to ring her bell.
  • She's suprisingly affectionate of the many birds she keeps.
  • Dr. Shrike is suspected to be related in political affairs regarding necromancy.