Mirrikh Christian



6 years, 3 months ago


Age: 17

Height: 6’5”

Gender: male

Sexuality: asexual, biromantic

Relationship status: not confirmed

Likes: black clothing, medical information, //cuttingpeopleopen//, spicy food

Dislikes: neon colors, snow, ‘how come you’re brown if both your parents are white???’

Backstory summary: Mirrikh was abandoned by his birth parents as a baby after they named him, and he was adopted eventually by a kind Christian couple. However he was poorly treated at foster homes and the orphanage, which twist his moral compass, and he begins to believe that all crimes that others have dealt should be punished by death. He eventually becomes a pre-biomed student senior year of highschool on an early path, and excels in chemistry. he invents a venom so potent that it could kill a person upon blood contact within a second. He becomes a sort of anti-hero called Black Widow. he meets up with a tech genius that goes to his school, who gains the nickname SpiderByte, and acts as Mirrikh's guy in the chair. He makes him a high tech bullet proof suit, and keep's track of information for him through the 6 extra eyes on his spider mask.

Eventually, he meets up with Emmeline, a morally driven girl from his school, whom he falls in love with. Emmeline also cares for him, however she despises BlackWidow, which causes Mirrikh to never tell her that he had feelings for her, worried about the situation it would cause. they eventually get together, and she convinces him to only kill murders, and simply punish others with equal forcec for what they had done.