


1 year, 9 months ago


  • Onary
  • Pampered and sheltered in her childhood, she retains an innocent curiosity towards the world even a thousand years later, as well as a naive and kind disposition. She's quick to form opinions, but slow to act on them unless push comes to shove.


  • Name: Onary
  • Nickname: Angel
  • Age: 1,058
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Ethnicity: Sdar
  • Occupation: School Teacher
  • Residence: Krejin
  • Religion: None
"Her curiosity drives her to seek out the new and treasure the old."


Onary is perhaps best known for her gentle and silly nature. Don't make the mistake of underestimating her though. She's prone to act willful and take extreme measures, whether that be to protect those she pities, or punish anyone who pushes their luck. Her curiosity drives her to seek out the new and treasure the old. Like her brother, she is fascinated by change and enjoys reminiscing on how the world has developed since she was still a human. She has always dreamed of becoming a mother, but since discovering early on that it was impossible to have her own, and adoption was not really an option, she opted to become a teacher and help to direct generations to come.


  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Brain Dominance: Right Brained
  • Outlook: Glass Half Full
"We'll get throught this guys! We'll get... through... oh stars, we're doomed! QAQ"


Onary's typically optimistic in all situations, but that comes with the fact that when the situation is clearly hopeless, she does a 360 and becomes very depressed. She has an opinion for everything, which may be completely different depending on the day you ask (or don't). Onary's very willing to be patient with anyone that isn't a fellow sdar, who she has long been familiar with and has expectations for. Indeed, she doesn't expect much from most people, unwilling to be disappointed. Still, she's very friendly and has a plethora of people greeting her everywhere she goes.

Positive Traits

  • Optimistic
  • Helpful
  • Friendly

Negative Traits

  • Opinonated
  • Impulsive
  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Tacos
  • Children
  • Humans
  • Exploring
  • Dresses
  • Fire


  • Rain
  • Old Men
  • Marriage
  • Bland Foods


  • Sitting On Roofs
  • Challenging Everyone At Anything
  • Dancing
  • Roleplaying


  • So Clumsy It's A Skill Unto Itself
  • Fashion
  • Charismatic Speaker
  • She Tries... Really Hard...
"Bet I can hop on one foot for longer!"


  • Hair Color: Blonde (#fefcd2)
  • Eye Color: Purple (#9d01c1)
  • Skin Color: Fair (#fff1e4)
  • Height: 5"5
  • Skinny
  • Curvy
  • Frail
  • Groomed
"The men love me, the women want to be me, but the only one in my eyes is my new dapper turtle friend~"


She's got the characteristics of her race, with pointed ears, black sclera, diamond pupils, sharp teeth, and claw-like black fingernails. Her eyes are purple. She sports mid-long length blonde hair with bangs parted into 3 or 4 sections. She typically wears a necklace with a small sentimental jewel, as well as a variety of other jewelery here and there. She enjoys wearing things displaying brighter colors, especially pink.

Name: Iona Younger Twin Brother

Time known each other: Since Birth

They've been through a lot together and have a very close bond. They enjoy causing michief.

Name: Riko Brother-In-Law

Time known each other: 1,002 years

They have a friendly relationship overall, but it has gone a little south ever since Riko started hooking up with her brother. Her overprotectiveness has caused them to clash here and there.

Name: Lykra Best Friend

Time known each other: 1,017 years

Onary admires Lykra's unapolegetic lifestyle and enjoys listen to her rant about this and that. They always have a lot of fun together.

Name: Phoenix Friend

Time known each other: 1,008 years

Since Phoenix usually prefers calmer settings, Onary will tone it down around him. They sit together not talking much, and yet part having a great impression of each other.

Name: Deo Friend

Time known each other: 1,004 years

They don't share much in common, but ended up bonding over their love for exploration. They're part of the same book club.

Name: Jen Friend

Time known each other: 1,024 years

Jen's strict attitude directly clashes with Onary's carefree one, so they end up disagreeing on many things. However, so long as the topic is not delved into, they can enjoy each other's company.


Onary was born a long, long time ago in a small village of 100-200 people. The priest saw something beautiful in her the moment she was born and gave her the name "Given Blessing" (Nary + Ona -> Onary). She grew up as the town's little angel. She was spoiled and pampered, yet never let it get to her head. While the townsfolk sighed pleasantly at this fact, there was a deeper reason for it. She secretly despised her parents and everyone else for their unreasonable treatment of her brother. She would often sneak things over to him, being careful not to get caught knowing it would be Iona punished and not her.

Onary's childhood was relatively lonely. Although the adults loved her, the children hated being compared to her. They would ignore her attempts to socialize and she eventually stopped trying. Onary's overactive imagination came in handy at times like these. Her dream was to learn to hunt, but as a girl she had to stay in the village. Yet, she also wasn't required to learn how to do any chores like the other girls, which only served to further ostracize her.

She ran away with her brother into the woods when they were 8 and lived there for two years. In that time, Iona taught her the basics of hunting and they learned how to get by together. When they were 10, they were found and brought back to the village. While her brother was charged with kidnapping her, she was hugged tightly. For the next five years she fell back into her old routine, not doing much to keep up appearances of a good child until she overheard them blaming her behavior on her brother again. When the priest tried to sacrifice Iona to Eiphur in order to stop the drought, she stopped the procession by begging the priest to let him go and agreeing to marry him. The townsfolk weren't happy with this, only because it meant they didn't have any way to stop the drought now. They said they couldn't marry until it was over, and each year some part of her brother had to be sacrificed.

The drought lasted another 6 years. When Onary was 21, Iona was released back to the forest, and she was set to marry the priest almost 3x her age. The night before the ceremony, her brother snuck back into town, killed her fiance, and burned down his house. At that point, Onary joined in with a torch and started lighting everything on fire. And when all the buildings were burning, they went directly for the people too. In the end, there was only the blazing fire in their eyes and the agony of tyrants in their ears. Then they jumped into the fire together and committed suicide.

Present Day

Today, Onary lives a carefree life. She has a big heart, and helps out wherever she can. Over the years she has participated in the Magic Wars, helped design the policies of the new world, acted as a strong model for feminism, and shaped future generations with her teachings. She gives the "Everyone Sucks Here" score to her life as a human and doesn't dwell on the past much. Her new life is way more exciting and fulfilling, after all, and deserves a lot of her attention.