Mr. Cashmere Greedly



1 year, 9 months ago


Name - Cashmere Greedly [also likes to be called "Mr. Cashmere"]

Age - 30


Birthday - ???

Personality - A smug, greedy and very charismatic asshole, this guy loves nothing more than to scam dumb people out of their money with his crazy schemes and shoddy products, and he's very good at it too with his smooth talking and convincing ways he promotes his scams.

Likes - MONEY! [especially Prescott's], gullible people [easy to scam], spending quality time with his girlfriend Lucy, the dollar sign symbol [for some reason].

Dislikes- Losing money, when people see past his scams, Wyatt [in general], getting his suit dirty.



- He and Lucy are dating, and they love each other a lot! they mostly cuddle, make out and pass dirty jokes back and forth but someday they'll hit second base.

- Falls for "inflation" jokes A LOT.

- He moved to the Estate so he could try and scam Prescott out of his money, but it's surprisingly hard to do as certain things keep getting in the way.

- His products are all made by him, which is the main reason they're so crappily made. it's easy to tell it's his product when they have a "Mr. Cashmere's" written on it too, as "Greedly" seemed to obvious.

- His room doubles as an "office", at least as a place where he writes down and plans his scams, builds his products, and take some calls for "potential buyers".