Lucy Lustful



2 years, 15 days ago


Name - Lucy Lustful

Age - 27


Birthday - ???

Personality - A peppy, ditzy and rather perverted lady who sometimes acts more like a teenager, Lucy is one of those types of people that jump at the chance to make some sort of innuendo that weirds people out, though she'd be willing to tone it down if it makes someone *really* uncomfortable or there are children [mostly Glenn].

Likes - Making dirty jokes, spending quality time with her boyfriend Cashy, "being alone" with her sex toys, anything lovecore, cute things like baby animals.

Dislikes- The idea of being a mom, being judged by others, certain fetishes like guro or scat.



- Is dating Cashmere and they love each other a lot! they mostly cuddle, make out and pass dirty jokes back and forth but someday they'll hit second base.

- Likes kids/babies [in a normal "thinks their cute" way] but hates hates hates the idea of having her own, it's just too gross!

- Has dated some people in the past though the relationships didn't last long as some of her partners where either rude, didn't respect her, or were weirded out by her personality.

- Knows too much about some fetishes, has no judgment but thinks some are very funny.