Prescott Prideful



2 years, 15 days ago


Name - Prescott Prideful

Age - 31


Birthday - ???

Personality - A jolly and very flamboyant fellow, while he genuinely tries to be humble and generous with his wealth, his constant bragging about how good and wonderful he is for doing nice things can make him come off as super condescending instead, but he's still a very kind person despite the constant ego stroking.

Likes - Admiring himself in the mirror, helping people and being charitable, fancy clothes, peacocks and birds in general, the color purple.

Dislikes- Getting dirty in any way, people trying to take advantage of his generosity, when the housemates get to rowdy, cracked/broken mirrors.



- Is the owner of the Prideful Estate, passed down to him by his beloved parents, and is the main authority over the place as a whole.

- Supposed to be a bird-like humanoid akin to Spamton and The Addisons.

- Calls other people things like "darling" or "dear [name]".

- He has the biggest room in the Estate, located right in the middle of the hallway. it's very lavish and well decorated with all sorts of mirrors, fancy furniture, vases and such. there's also a big window with a balcony that he loves to sit out at.

- Big romance fan, tho he has no interest in dating anyone himself as he's met too many gold diggers that only want him for his money, besides he has himself to love!