Galactica's Literatures

Bliv and Kenny are too stubborn to break up. It will probably be their downfall. Kenny's past experiences and tendency to run away from problems once they show up puts strain on the relationship. Bliv thought he was independant and low maintenance, but when Kenny cuts down to texting him one message per week, his stoic facade starts to show its cracks. Will they finally admit they were better off as friends or will their love prevail?

1 year, 8 days ago
6 months, 25 days ago
9 353 2

Mild Violence

Every time a rollercoaster is built, a humanoid-being known as a "Coaster" is spawned into the world alongside it. Each Coaster is innately tied to their track and ride experience. Being a Coaster is serious business and not to be taken lightly, yet... Many of them find ways to entertain themselves from time to time. Oblivion is one of the oldest Coasters at Alton Towers and often finds unique ways of entertaining himself on the slower days.