
1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:



not really ur business (they/them, he/him if ur lucky)


doesn't disclose this. at least several hundred


Human vampire


Low Stakes: Dingbats

Creation Date:

August 28th 2022


A quiet, mysterious vampire who makes a business out of forging documents and, in more recent years, hacking databases to make them seem legitimate.

Del has the power to kill with just their voice and so they've chosen to simply stop speaking entirely. It's incredibly easy to put the intent to harm behind words and it's just not worth the trouble for them to try and police their every emotion. They don't fuck around though so maybe don't test them.

Social Connections

Hvass - he has a penchant for inventing new identities. they're about as close as either of them gets to being friends
Einarr - they've been around the block
like, most other vampires, really

World Context

Lore coming soon!

> none yet

> jewish and has explored in depth consuming blood and halacha applying to vampirism in general. tldr if they are alive there's exemptions and specific ways to drink it, if they arent alive, it isnt applicable
> does not breathe at all. doesn't need to inhale to speak so they simply don't!
> knows several sign languages but they will only use it with friends and acquaintances, not clients or strangers

> can actually fly, though not very fast and can't go all that high without exhausting themself - its very gentle and looks like levitation
> can teleport from shadow to shadow (mostly within visual range)
> able to cause extreme physical harm - deep gouges, muscle rupture, fracturing bones - to anything in auditory range with their voice. the power is intent-based but extremely easy to misuse. they can target single individuals, groups, or anything that can hear them

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Primary Notes
> thin scars over both eyes
> hair covers other eye completely (though like. you can draw it if the angle is right lol)
> light freckles across their cheeks, nose and reaching onto their ears
> thin, sharp claws

> almost never takes off their mask. full respirator or (black) medical mask are both fine

Other Stuff
> quite tall and skinny