
3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Sir Etienne du Lac

Other Names:

Éstiene, original name spelling


Male (he/him)


not straight


turned in the 1400s at 20 or so


Human vampire, Tome's sword-nosed bat


Low Stakes: Dingbats

Creation Date:

November 14th 2020


Éstiene was a Medieval French knight, recently beholden to a kind duke, who fell in love with one of the manor's servants - Hvasshár (though he knew him as Lucius) - and had a grand time living his chivalrous little life with his not-so-secret boyfriend until the day he died. Slain honorably in a duel, he was tinged only with the regret he would never hold his lover again - until he woke up again in the dead of the night, Hvasshár crouched over him, and the smell of blood overwhelming his brand new vampire senses.

Etienne - furious, terrified, and ashamed - made an attempt on Hvass' life, declaring they were both better dead than monsters. In the following six hundred years since, Etienne has carved out his path to serve only his unfathomable regret and his deluded ideas to win Hvasshár's favor back, should he ever find him again.

While he was once a very noble and honorable person, and maybe he still is somewhere deep down, Etienne has embraced the ideal of an evil vampire wholeheartedly, trying to prove to himself and anyone watching that he loves being a vampire, actually. He inherited very strong mind control powers from the vampire that sired Hvass, and uses them judiciously as he turns vampires across the world to serve as his own vassals when he so desires it. He travels the world constantly, looking for opportunities and, when he can, signs of Hvasshàr.

Etienne is rude, entitled, and above all vain. He has earned himself the best and deserves to flaunt it, and looks down upon those who don't make any effort to present themselves well. In his desperation to prove himself worthy by being the "best vampire," he has developed a nasty ego and forgotten people have their own lives that don't exist to serve his narcissistic narrative. Etienne is extremely lonely and his truest desire is to have a confidant again, but he has created an artificial scarcity of people he is willing to consider equals.

Social Connections

Lucius/Hvasshár - light and love of his life, vampire sire, missing out of his reach
Marsha - sired vampire, honestly doesnt remember her
Hawk - sired vampire, barely remembers him only because he's a fucking dumbass
Cordelia - yet another sired vampire; remembers her a little
Many other sired vampires

World Context

Vampire lore coming soon?

> unremarkably tall

> changed his name's spelling to keep with the times; Éstiene to Etienne
> weak-willed and easy to scare; all bark and no bite. most of his power revolves on fear and folks not calling his bluff.
> never cuts his hair, it only gets shorter again when he bat-shifts
> eyelids and the skin under his nails are permanently bruised (or maybe sunburnt) black

> can mind-control new vampires completely, and can influence the thoughts of humans around him temporarily.
> a daywalker, as he was turned and died in daylight - over the years he has sunburnt slightly and it appears as ashy craquelure on his ears and face.

||  Favorite Art & Another  ||  Primary Ref  ||  Bat Form  ||

Primary Notes
> ashy craquelure patterns on his eartips and below his eyes
> longass hair; his bun+ponytail can be to his shoulderblades or longer as u choose
> very expressive ears but they usually point straight up
> fingernails and eyelids are always dark purple like a bruise

> has a wardrobe and switches up his outfits but is big on turtlenecks and delicate gold jewelry

Other Things
> average height. Fairly willowy despite his musculature