$7 | Autumnal CSS



1 year, 10 months ago


$7 • Autumnal CSS Bundle

Mobile Friendly Custom Colors Premium CSS
  • This is a Premium CSS Code styled with an elegant, autumnal flair. Of course you can change the colors and images to whatever you prefer.
  • The download includes a Premium CSS Sheet a simple User Profile HTML code and a Folder Code. The CSS is All-in-One and can be used on User Profiles, Folders, Character Profiles and Worlds. It's mobile friendly, and you can customize the colors.
  • Note: Make sure you understand how to edit CSS and HTML on Toyhouse before purchasing!
  • Codes are available for download via Kofi which accepts both Paypal and card payments. If you have trouble downloading, DM me.


Autumnal CSS is a spacious full width CSS layout with a header image and an elegant autumnal theme. You can, of course, input custom colors if you wish. Comes with an All-in-One Premium CSS Sheet that can be used on User Profiles, Folder Pages, Character Profiles & Worlds. The single sheet can be used on all page types. Colors & Fonts are almost all fully customizable, so you can swap the preview colors any color scheme of your choice.

It comes with a simple User Profile HTML code and a simple Folder Page HTML code. These are optional. Other HTML will likely work fine, though the CSS will customize certain elements the same way it customizes the base layout, such as default colors and fonts.

The customization sheet below will be included as an HTML file so you can check your color changes against it.



This CSS can be mostly customized to your preference. You can change colors, images, and custom fonts as you wish. If there are elements you would like further customized to your specifications, you can contact me for a custom quote, but otherwise I cannot make additional changes for you. Below are the examples:


There is a body font & and a header font you can choose separately. Make sure you import the Google Font correctly if you choose to change the fonts that come pre-selected with the layout.

Main text color & style

Bold text color & style
Italic text color & style

Header One

Header Two

Header Two Alt.

Header Three

The default headers have been styled to be slightly larger than the default, and h2 has an alternate style with the primary color.


Primary Text

Primary Button
Primary Badge

Default Text

Default Button
Primary Badge

Muted Text

Light Button
Light Badge

Secondary Text

Secondary Button
Secondary Badge

Info Text

Info Button
Info Badge

Success Text

Success Button
Success Badge

Warning Text

Warning Button
Warning Badge

Danger Text

Danger Button
Danger Badge

The first three colors are the basic layout colors that will recolor your CSS. The last set are the basic bootstrap colors re-colored. The main page color, text color, and white accent can also be changed if you would prefer to style it with a darkmode look instead.


This is a preview of how the character gallery will display on the folder page. The portraits are larger than the default and there are six to a row.