


1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Deviant + 3 Mad traits

Slot #


Things to update:

MYO link once approved, wonder & allegories, hobbies, dislikes, location, occupation, wyrm form btn link


d8s038i-b6d89b4f-cb18-4b6c-9488-5ce7c586 Madeline dbos1tl-c803ae38-ca4b-4d09-b5c5-db573d52 chiropterA d8s038i-b6d89b4f-cb18-4b6c-9488-5ce7c586

I. Introduction

Bysmalinthes, more commonly known as Bysmalbats, are a group of ancient, primordial beings created by the Great「All-Mother」, a Being born from the Rifts- cracks in time and space, which lead into the Unknown and Indecipherable.

II. Personality


III. Likes & Dislikes


  • Causing mischief in the overworld at "ungodly" hours.
  • Exploring the caves of Shambala’ha and discovering new things.
  • uhh
  • Black Cats
  • Pumpkins
  • Jack'o'lantern
  • Purple hues
  • Halloween
  • Autumn
  • Bright lights
  • Hot Summer Days
  • receiving consequences of her actions

So I swear you’ll never be alone. When you're lost, here I am forever with your soul

  Madeline Chiroptera
  she / her
  unknown age
  unknown DOB
MYO #329  
unknown location  
unknown occupation  

IV. Design notes

  • Do not draw her in a different outfits but you can change most details
  • The chains on her wings, dress, and hat are optional. HOWEVER, the chains trailing behind her are her tentacles, you cannot remove them!
  • Her mouth, tounge, blood, and insides are puprple
  • Her irises are purple with her pupils a brighter purple
  • Her feet can shit between digitigrade with animal paws and plantigrade with human feet
  • She can shift into her Wyrm form (design wip)

Ears elf (mad)

Eyes coloured pupils (standard)

Head Wings 1 set (standard)

Wing Clips 1 clip (deviant)

Hip Wings 1 set (standard)

Tentacles 3 sets, chains (mad)

V. Abilities


All Bysmalbats have Wonder and Madeline is no exception. She embodies Mischeif. Often humans come to her with offerings in exchange for Mischeif against others. Of course she will create Mischeif for her own enjoyment as well, usually during the "Witching Hour" or "Autumn Equinox" of the overworld. However it seems her excessive use has caused her to go mad.

What is Wonder?

Wonder is something indiscernible, something unable to be put into words. The only thing explicable about Wonder is that it is personalised towards its possessor, Wonder is what shapes and forms them into the beings they are. Hence, this is how the Allegories witnessed by each Bysmalbat are able to have a physical「visual」or emotional「personality」impact on them. However, too much Wonder also causes ill effects on both the body and the mind. It is rare, but not unseen, for Bysmalbats to go “mad” with Wonder. This usually leads to strange physical defects.

VI. History

Having been born not too long after "the Refraction" the elders often describe Madeline as "ignorant" or "foolish" since she has not experienced the fear that befel their population at the tim. Despite their warnings of wandering too far she has always been curious about the world around her. She started out exploring the vast caves of Shambala’ha, learning something new with every turn. Eventually one of the caves led her to the Overworld (though she did not know of it at the time). It was much more beautiful than any other place she had ever seen, the ceiling was a deep blue with thousands of glittering crystals. The cavern was so large that no matter how far she climbed she could't reach these crystals. However, after some time the world around her started changing colours from the comforting blue to brighter hues of purple, orange, and pink. At first she thought I was beautiful but the world continued getting brighter and brighter, blinding her eyes and burning her skin. She quickly fled from the light to an opening in the ground that eventually lead her back to Shambala’ha.

Later she learned that the strange cavern was known as the overworld, a world completely outside of the caves with infinitely high ceilings. It's a dangerous voltile world with a single bright ball of fire that produces a light that is bright enough to burn you alive. The elders are probably exagerating but she still remembers the fear of her first day so who knows? However despite the warnings and stories Madelines curiosity of the overworld is as strong as ever.

Whats an Allergory?

In exchange for an offering, Bats are willing to grant a human offerer a wish, fulfilled with the use of the enigmatic Wonder. With this, a Bysmalbat is able to gain an Allegory- a fragment of the story of how the offering was acquired. Allegories are able to change the Wonder of a Bysmalbat. The more developed a Bysmalbat’s Wonder is, the more powerful they become. Out of all the Allegories a Bysmalbat is able to obtain in their long life, the first is always the most significant, and the rest after usually follow along the same theme.

While they were not the first human Madeline has encountered, they were the first to ask a favour of her. It wasn't a magnificent request like endless riches or to be loved by all, it was a simple but spiteful request. They offered their life in exchange for a life time of horror and misery for . It was an odd request but one she couldn't refuse...

This was her first Allegory and how her Wonder started taking form. She became an expert in Mischeif. Since this was such a significant acheivment in her life she fashioned the life offering into a bow for her wing clip, this way she can carry this memory with her everywhere.

The rest of the Allegories performed for the humans took on similar themes. Humans may have requested her Wonder out of spite or to get ahead others but all were about Mischeif. With each request she received a different offering, all of which she fashioned as chains to adorn her body. However as the amount of trophies grew, some issues started poping up, her bat ears morphed into strange, elongated, human ears. She even began replacing her tentacles with her larger trophies. The others say she's going mad, but she disagrees, after all how could someone with so many acheivments be mad?

Madeline lives in the caves of Shambala’ha during the day and comes out to the overworld at night. She enjoys Causing mischief in the overworld at "ungodly" hours. However due to her morbid curiosuty of the overworld and her excessive use of Wonder causing some mad traits, the Town she once lived in has started giving her strange looks.

VII. Relationships

Fullname Lastname

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