
1 year, 8 months ago


Gender: female 

Pronouns: she/her 

Sexuality: lesbian 

Age: Adult (36 years old in human years)

Family and relations: Spike (Mate), Aspen (Kit), Oak (mother), Bear (father), Birch (brother), Rock (friend), Wood (friend), Mariam (friend), Cashew (Friend)

A gray squirrel lass who loves eating acorns and climbing trees! She’s excited about mostly everything. She can also be a bit too trusting, and can step into the wrong hands. Elm can be clumsy and awkward which Spike finds really endearing. She’s very generous towards everyone, lending her heart out to those who need it. Elm can get very loud and annoy others without thinking too, but she means well. She would never hurt another soul. Elm also loves to talk ALOT. She has a big brother relationship with Wood the rat and idolizes him. She wants to be a hero like him after he saved her family from Flint the cat. Her best friends are Rock the badger and Spike the hedgehog, which makes her an outcast from other squirrels since they believe being friends with other species is taboo. Elm also loves her brother Birch, despite how… aggressive he is when defending his ideals. Though they argue a lot, elm would never do anything to physically harm her brother. If only she knew the truth about Birch.

Elm is also very obsessed with acorns. I mean like, she loves them so much she would go crazy if you even mention the word.

Most squirrels believe in the Evergreens, which is a squirrel afterlife. Elm will often visit a certain tree where they bury loved ones and gift their spirits with acorns so they won’t be hungry. She also often goes to that tree to ask for advice when she’s feeling sad and lost.

Her and Spike become mates when Spike confesses her true feelings for Elm after hiding them for so long. Then, her and her girlfriend Spike both adopt a child named Aspen.

Elm has a prosthetic leg. She can take it off whenever she wants, and when she does, it reveals her leg that was burnt off by an explosion she’s been in.