


1 year, 5 months ago


Gender: female 

Sexuality: lesbian 

Age: Adult (36 years old in human years)

Family and relations: Elm (mate), Aspen (kit), Rock (friend), Wood (friend), Snow (big brother)
Susie, often known by her nickname Spike (given by Elm due to her quills) is a hedgehog who lives with her older brother Snow in a den. She’s feisty, eager and sometimes easily scared. Spike is also pretty distant and cold to anyone she doesn’t know well. Unlike Elm, Spike isn’t very trusting of everyone. She mostly shows her soft side towards Elm, Aspen, Rock, and her big brother Snow. Both her parents were actually captured by humans and bred together to they would have hoglets. Snow was the firstborn child of them. Then Snow’s younger sister, Susie (her deadname) was born. At a very young age, Susie lost both her mom and dad due to the humans not taking care of them well. It was up to a very young Snow to take care of his little sister all by himself. Snow, traumatized by his parent’s deaths and angry at the humans, decided to run away from their house and take Susie along with him.

They now both reside in a den in the forest away from humans. One day, Snow told Susie to stay in the den and wait for him as he was gonna find food for both of them. Since Susie was a child, well, she didn’t stay. She wanted to go out on her own and explore. This is where she bumped into a certain squirrel kit. Out of fear, she curled up into a ball and accidentally poked the squirrel kit. After lots of apologizing and confusion, they both introduced themselves. The kit’s name was Elm. She told Elm her name was Susie, and Elm thought that “Spike” sounded better because she poked her. So Elm jokingly called Susie “Spike” and eventually it stuck. 

They met again when Elm saw Terrance the Wolverine bully spike and stood up for her. They became best friends after, including with Rock the badger. 

Eventually when both Spike and Elm become grownups, Spike confesses to Elm that she always has a crush on her, she was just terrified to admit it. Elm also confesses to Spike, and then they become mates.