Shin Yoshino



1 year, 11 months ago


  • FULL NAME Shin Yoshino
  • AGE 44
  • GENDER Male
  • RACE Oni
  • ORIENTATION Straight
  • STATUS Alive and kicking
  • TYPE Born Leader
  • HEIGHT 6’2”
  • OCCUPATION Guild Leader
  • REL STATUS Widower
  • ORIGIN Hell
  • DESIGNER Toasty-Kappa


The strong and powerful leader of the most well-known demon hunting guild in Hell. From demon hunter, to war hero, to guild leader, he certainly knows how to make a name for himself. But his fame isn’t what drives him. All he wants is to protect others, and make sure no one suffers like he has. To get justice for those he couldn’t save. Even if that means getting his hands dirty.


Shin is a loud and charismatic man, and could make friends with just about anyone. He’s a bit of a worrywart though, and stubborn as hell. Once he gets an idea into his head, it’s near impossible to convince him otherwise. He’s also got quite the temper, and isn’t above using his fists to prove his point. His heart’s in the right place though, he just wants to make sure everyone is happy and healthy.

Under the surface, a deep hatred boils in his blood. He longs for revenge against those that have slighted him, and to avenge those he’s lost. Protecting the weak takes precedence before his own personal grudges though, so he keeps his anger in check. His anger can slip out if he isn’t careful though.


Shin lived a normal life. Times were tough when he was younger, but he managed okay.His family were proud warriors, so when Shin became of age, he happily set up his own demon hunting guild to help those in need of protection. It was a small business, but successful enough to keep him and his family fed. He soon met a female demon hunter and they quickly fell in love and got married. This bliss could only last so long though, and after 5 years a war was started between the demons and angels. He was initially happy to help but… the war was started frivolously by the spoiled prince over nothing… and Shin lost everything in this war. A betrayal by a friend killed his whole squad, including his wife. He cast aside everything that day, and swore to change the world.

The loss of his family was hard to bear. Though he wanted to change the world, he still felt aimless without his wife by his side. It took time, but he built himself, and his guild back up. He put everything into expanding his guild. More than just protection, his aim was to do the work the royal family had long been neglecting. He would protect the people badly wounded by the war, and take out anyone that would try to take advantage of their weakness. His guild grew, and grew, and now he protects nearly half of hell. Behind closed doors though, he and others that were wronged by the royal family plan a revolt.

Now his guild is busier than it ever has been before. The rapid expansion of the lawless land managed by another guild has made his job a lot more difficult. Between training new recruits and personally going on missions to take care of issues Shin has a very full plate.He is happy to do what he can, but it’s becoming very overwhelming. It only gets worse when his top subordinate brings back a demon-possessed human from his previous mission. Things are only going to get more difficult.


  • Shin has a strong love for parties. Getting wild, drinking with friends is the greatest way to pass time in his eyes.
  • He has a particular hatred for liars. Even small lies set him off, and he can go into a full-on rage depending on the lie.
  • Shin likes to collect swords, and has quite a few in his possession. He’s more than willing to lend them out to those that lose their weapons, but be prepared to pay if you damage or lose it.
  • His birthday is 8/25
  • Shin has a strong pallet for alcohol, and out drink just about anyone. When he does get drunk though, others tend to stay away from him since he can get a bit too wild.



Ryou Pupil

A young man that works for Shin. He is a cold and expressionless man that does his jobs quickly and efficiently.. But Shin knows he is trying to run from something. He is a hard worker and Shin likes him a lot, even sticks his neck out for him at times. Shin is somewhat of a guardian to him.


Draco Negligent King

The once-prince-now-king of hell that started the war that took everything from Shin. He is a selfish and childish man that does nothing for his people. He sits in his castle all day doing who-knows-what and lets criminals ravage the land and kill people as they please. Shin works hard to do his job for him, but he plans to remove him from the throne one day.


John “Friend”

A mysterious man that appeared out of nowhere during the beginning of the war. Shin brought him into his squad and befriended him.. But in the end John betrayed them and left them to die as a group of angels ambushed them. He wanted the glory alone of defeating the angels, and happily sacrificed his friends to meet that goal.Shin hates him with his entire being.