


1 year, 8 months ago



Sonic Films OC


"Did I do it right? Did I do you proud?"

NAME A1pha-1.2
ORIGIN 'Scientific' Creation
SPECIES Hedgehog / Racoon
GENDER Nonbinary
PRONOUNS He / They / It
DESIGNER Skyhedgyy

Note: Set post second film, pre-third film
Technically he is only a few months old. Though with a combination of how he was created but also the DNA used, he's mentally and physically in their teens. His creation was messy and harder then it should be, he's only the second sucessful asset, though his predecessor somehow failed before he was finished. They were based off of the Project Shadow notes that Stone had found and brought to his Dr, as well as using DNA and experiment results from one Sonic's quills.

They are very curious about the world around them as well as other sentient beings, but he's also rather jaded due to how he was 'raised' and who by. They don't really like other living creatures and that behaviour has rubbed off onto it. It does really like the other little robots in the lab, he's accidentally given one of the minor sentience, but they're keeping this hidden from their creators, rather anxious about it all. The Dr is suspicious about this and Stone has made the connections, but they're waiting to see if Azul will fess up to what it did.



They really struggle with how they actually feel about things and how to represent this, considering the strong personalities of the two men who made it as well as the fact he can sense a lot of Sonic's own feelings and beliefs due to the DNA used. Azul struggles with the concept of what his own personality could be, feeling overwhelmed by his two creators strong beliefs and the pressure to conform to them as well.
They are used to being silent and doing as they're told, finding a lot of comfort in not really being expected to have strong opinions. It does thrive off of any attention that he's given, even if this is more negative towards him.

When it comes to his two 'creators', the only other living creatures that he really gets to spend time with, he feels a lot closer to Stone then the Dr. Not that he'd ever admit any preference for either. The man gives him a lot more attention in general, especially positive treatement. He does really want to prove himself to the Doctor however, make him proud and show he wasn't a mistake or waste of time.

They don't quite understand where their place in the world is, knowing that they're not supposed exist. He also knows that he's meant to hate Sonic and his family, but he can't really bring himself to do and believe that. It understands why his creators dislike them, but they've done nothing to wrong him- but that it will keep to himself. The other case is, is that he see's his creators as a form of parental system, he's heard about parents and knows they fit that bill. Though he doesn't want to ask them about it, or use these parent terms in fears that it will upset them and then he's ruined everything.


  • Attention
  • Robots
  • Napping
  • Road Trips
  • Being around others


  • Being ignored
  • Experiments
  • Coffee
  • Thinking about emotions



He was created after Doctor Robotnik and Stone got their hands on both notes from and a lot of data from project Shadow. They swiftly realised this would be of great use to them, to have a Mobian fully on their side. Knuckles was incredibly helpful, until he betrayed them and with no other source of Mobians or garuntee that they wouldn't betray them, making their own was the best bet.
With Azul only being their second attempt at this that fully developed, and the only one who actually surived; he has a lot of genetic hick-ups. Due to this, he's needed a lot of further experiments to keep him stable and occasionally to provide improvements in his skills and use. Stone is far gentler with this process, talking Azul through what he's going to do first, the Doctor is less violent but tends to be heavy handed and not explain what he's doing to them.

Originally Azul was never meant to be named, kept simply as A1pha-1.2, but Stone became too fond of the younger creature. He used the excuse at first, that it was quicker to say then the full code name, but even Ivo realised it was more out of fondness then ease. He wasn't going to argue with his partner though, and did agree, Azul is faster to say anyway.
This has left Azul feeling very indebted to the two humans, they created him and have willingly kept him around. He really wants to make them proud and prove he was worth all of the time and resources that it took to make and continue to improve him.

Power Discovery

At first they thought they had failed, A1pha-1.2 had no super speed, seemingly not even slightly faster then the norm. It did become clear eventually, that they had some sort of eletrical power, and that he could be used to power their machines for the short term, or boost charging capabilities. Though, it was by complete accident that they discovered the main powers that Azul has.
He had been left alone with a single Botnik to keep an eye on him, while the two humans left the lab to go on a supply run. It was rare that both would leave him, let alone with only one Botnik to take care of him. They felt so proud about having been left like this and trusted, and wanted to do them so proud. However, curiosity got the better of them.
So, it went exploring around the lab, pokoing and prodding. Durring this process, it accidently knocked into one of the machines and something fell, he panicked and tried to reach out and grab it, but couldn't quite reach. However, it was shocked to realise that it didn't actually crash to the floor but had stopped moving mid-air around the same level of where his fingers were.

His powers eventually came out, he had hidden them out of embarressment due to how he found out about them, not really thinking about lying. The Dr soon pushed him to work out exactly what they could do and it was at this point they discovered it aws a combination of metal manipulation and technomancy. Explained probably due to the addition of metal durring his development process from the gaps that were left.
Though they were highly discouraged from the latter, so he didn't end up messing up any of their machines. They try to continue to hone and practice their powers, but it's hard to do when they don't want to get under their guardian's feet or damage anything from the lab. Especially as they can't be seen outside of the lab, in fear of it either alerting the government or it getting back to Sonic and his family, a surprise isn't if it's been found out after all.


Azul wasn't home alone this time, Stone was sleeping in the house and the Doctor had snuck off to get some supplies. He isn't sure as to why the others didn't go together but he must admit he liked the sleeping human body, it brought comfort even if he wasn't awake to pay attention to it.
It's why he went out to sit in the back garden and he fell alseep napping in the warm and slightly too long grass, awoken in fright at the older and taller Mobian looming over him. The other tried to comfort him, reassure that it was just curious over the strange biometric readings it was getting, but not to worry he's not the Mobian he's been sent after. All this did was make Azul let out an anxious and scared shriek and Stone came running, worry the child even more because he's done everything they shouldn't.
He's not quite sure how this ended up with the other Mobian moving in with them. The shrug and statement that he wasn't being paid enough to track the other Mobian over something interesting - didn't really help. But he now seems to live with them and is more then content about it, Azul doesn't mind, it's another person who calls him Azul, laughing at the humans at the fact his actual name is A1pha-1.2.

Azul does worry that Raphael will leave them, his morals do seem to align with their creator's but he comes from another planet and travelled the universe and Azul knows if he had that at his fingertips, he wouldn't give it up. He'll miss him though, if he choses to go and part of him thinks it would want to go with him, but then he doesn't want to leave his human behind.
Thinking of the future just makes his head hurt and the wish that nothing ever has to change solidifies in their mind.



  • The Silver areas with the white and dark blue flecks, are metal, slightly warm to the touch closer to body temperature.
  • They're not technically a cyborg as they're a full scientific creation, but it is a mixture of living flesh and metal.
  • At first the metal segments were used to fill in the unformed gaps of it's creation, but the Dr slowly added more to act just as weapons.
  • His right ear is torn and slightly misshapen as it didn't correctly develop.
  • Has three jagged quills down his back, they're actually rather soft and can be flattened if leaned on.
  • Can have metal 'blades' form out of it's lower arms, along the back, up from their gloves.


  • They're yet to meet Sonic, Tails, Kunckles and the humans. He's rather anxious about when they first meet.
  • They don't know exactly how their power works, though he likes how it glows around him most of the time.
  • Technomancer & Metal Manipulation, using this he can also levitate, he is partially metal after all
  • Called Eggman dad once, he shut down over this and refuses to admit to it happening. Stone has a recording of it though, that he keeps to himself. He got too flustered the time he did it with Raphael
  • Thought his world was going to end when Raphael found him and his humans found out about the Mobian, but is happy over what their group has become.
  • Loves to curl up and nap next to a human, he often does this with Stone and enjoys the gentle pets they receive in the process.
  • Often follows Raphael around like a lost puppy, almost trying to work out how to act like a real Mobian.



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The Correspondents