


6 years, 2 months ago


Name Anna
Gender Female
Sexuality Bi
Age Mid-Fourties
Family A husband
Occupation Tailor
Setting Present day, Europe. Exact location undecided

Anna works as a tailor with her husband, Vasiliy, in a shop he inherited from his father.

She is more or less what you would expect from her looks. Strict, no-nonsense kind of woman, who has little time for trivialities. She dislikes small talk and will let you know. She does not mind company, enjoys working with or in the company of other people, but tends to keep her interactions very to-the-point. She knows what she wants, where she wants to be and how she wants to get there, and does not feel like wasting time on things that do not interest her.

She is, however, kind at heart, and will try to help to anyone who needs it. She will be blunt and efficient about it, and you're looking for a sympathetic ear you're in the wrong place, but if you need sound, unbiased advice, she will have it.

She rarely smiles, except at Vasiliy. If she does, it is either absolutely breathtaking or terrifying. She is slow to anger - she will simply show you the door if you bother her - but if you manage to get on her wrong side you're fucked. No one will find your body.


Anna is tall - taller than her husband - and straight and flat, almost reedy. She's fairly strong but with very little muscle definition, and no curves at all. This is empathized by the fact that she holds herself very straight, whether standing or sitting.
She has a long, sharp face framed by very long, straight blonde hair. Washed out grey eyes and a straight, downward-curved nose. Everything about her is sharp, really. She looks very strict and kind of intimidating.

She does not bother with makeup or jewelry, and wears practical clothes. Dresses with pockets which she sewed herself, leather aprons she can store needles in, button ups. She does favor skirts and dresses, because they empathize her already pretty impressive height.

Info for Artists

  • Severe, sharp looking. She barely ever smiles.
  • Tall and flat. She has very little curve to her body, and no visible boobs, even in tight clothes.
  • Minimalistic, utilitarian but nice clothing, mainly dresses or button-ups, dress-shirts. No jewelry. Ties her hair up while working, wears it down otherwise.
  • Has ridiculously long, straight hair (like waist-length at least) and never does anything nice with it, just wears it down. It's impeccably brushed, though.