


8 years, 6 months ago


Name Vasiliy, Vasha to his firends
Gender Male
Sexuality Straight
Age Mid-Fourties
Family A wife and a sister
Occupation Tailor
Setting Present day, Europe. Exact location undecided

Vasiliy works as a tailor with his wife, Anna, in a shop he inherited from his father.

He's a really chill, laid back person. He has the patience of a saint and very few fucks to give about most anything. He is always willing to help, almost always in a good mood. He's everyone's favorite person to have tea with, really. He's just nice, calming to be around, willing to lend an ear, calm and collected and sympathetic without being overbearing.
He's everyone's cool uncle.

Backstory is very much a WIP, but nothing to exciting is happening here, anyway. Pretty average and quiet childhood, short stint into biker/rocker life as a teen/young adult, went and roamed the world, came back eventually to take over the family business, and hasn't left since. Very happy leading a boring, chill life sewing clothes and gossiping and helping out where he can.


Vasiliy is hard to miss in a crowd. He is tall, strong, broad-shouldered and sturdily built, with a lot of body hair, especially on the arms and legs. A bear of a man, who also wears a dress or skirt more often than not. Very fond of feminine-coded clothes, sews his own.

He has a broad, angular face, with a big nose and droopy eyes. Often sports sideburns, though he does shave them on occasion. His hair is a thick mop of dusty brown curls, sometimes long enough to tie into a short ponytail.
Info for Artists

  • Wears exclusively feminine-coded clothes, most often dresses and skirts, and loves to accessorize.
  • Please run with this design, go wild! You are more than welcome to dress him up any way you want to.
  • I only ask that you keep in mind that he is tall and broad and hairy. He is not effeminate or androgynous and could never pass as female, nor is he trying to. He's a big guy who likes to dress nice.