Arya Karimi



1 year, 8 months ago


Arya Karimi


Arya Karimi, more commonly known as the hero Northwind, is one of the main characters in the fictional comic series Almost Heroes. Sarcastic and pessimistic, Arya somehow manages to bring the group together enough to be the designated leader.

Arya lives in Sudonn, sharing an apartment with their roommate and best friend Kendrick. Though skeptical at first when superheroes begin to appear, Arya quickly chills out as their own powers begin to develop, and slowly learns to get along with the other heroes. They become something of an unspoken leader within the group, their judgement trusted the most when things begin going downhill...

Name Arya Karimi
Age 21
Gender Nonbinary
Orientation Gay
Powers Weather
Occupation Vigilante
  • Arya is one of the only three Almost Heroes cast members to canonically have siblings.
  • Arya does not know how to ride a bike.
  • Arya needs glasses, but prefers contacts.
  • Arya's chapter is the longest of the webcomic in the script.
  • Arya is a cat person.
If I'm gonna have to be a super, I wanna do it right.

Arya and their roommate (boyfriend), Kendrick.
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Arya: I've told you people time and time again, if you don't stop sending paparazzi, I'll blow all of you into next week.

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Arya: My greatest achievement so far is probably keeping these idiots from leveling the entire city. All I want is some goddamn peace and quiet; or at least, for someone other than me to use their head, but god knows which one is easier to get.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Arya: *pushes empty coffee cup off the desk* ...My past.

Opinions on...

"My best friend, roommate, and... hopefully something more?."

"Idiot. Not much hope there."

My cousin. We used to take fighting lessons together, but we've never really been close.

Yellow Coldplay
Snow Ricky Montgomery
Mr. Brightside The Killers
Under Pressure Queen, David Bowie