Rajesh Aarav Chopra



1 year, 6 months ago


Basic Info
Rajesh Aarav Chopra
Cis man (he/him)
Punjabi/Gujarati (he was born and raised in England though.)
Vampire (ex-human)
238 (visually 52)
5’11" (~180 cm)
… Detective
Laszlo Cravensworth?
House in London. Spends considerable amounts of time at Gautier’s residence, as well.
Private investigator
Homoromantic demisexual (calls himself homosexual)

To make it brief: Rajesh is dead. He was murdered, plainly during the day, when his partners would have all been asleep. He took a wooden stake through the heart. What‘s even more strange is that he was killed in his own bedroom. Gautier still hasn’t a clue who could have done it…

But I digress. I should speak on what he was like in life, and in undeath, shouldn’t I?

To most, Rajesh was distant at best and sour at worst. He put on a front of being constantly irate, and had a visage to match. And, while yes, he was certainly easy to frustrate, he tried to always at least be courteous to strangers, and he was actually rather sweet with his loved ones. He was good enough friends with his wife (she was a lesbian and he was gay so it didn’t go past platonic feelings) and he did his best to be a good father, and he was very genuine and affectionate with his romantic partners, for the most part. His moral compass certainly skewed when he was turned into a vampire, but he did try to do the right thing ’til the very end. Even if that may have cost him his life.

He was also naturally a very curious man, which, combined with a childhood fascination with mystery novels, led him to eventually become a private investigator. He was incredibly dedicated to his work; the only thing more important than that to him was his loved ones. 

  • His husbands <3
  • Cats
  • Mystery novels (He liked them as a kid, and he still does. Though, he’s a lot better at predicting the twists now.)
  • Cooking (He learned how to from his mother. He likes making curry a lot.)
  • Sweets (You might not be able to guess it from his attitude, but he has a killer sweet tooth.)
  • His work (If you called him a workaholic, you wouldn’t be wrong. He would contest it because he thinks that word is stupid, but you wouldn’t be wrong.)
  • Nature (Despite his dedication to his work he does enjoy getting lost in the woods and enjoying the peace and quiet for a little while.)
  • Cars (They aren’t horses! He likes the aesthetic of cars from the 40’s-70’s most.)
  • Linguistics (He decided to learn Welsh and Gaelic to communicate with potential clients better and discovered that he really enjoys learning about+how to speak new languages. He‘s particularly interested in dead languages and things pertaining to pronunciation. Perhaps he’s even attempted to make up a conlang before?)
  • Some sports (He fucking loves watching cricket and football (soccer) and he likes to go bowling. Doesn’t care much for most other sports.)
  • Cyril, sometimes
  • Getting woken up in the middle of the night (It’s bad for his health!)
  • Drinking (Dislikes the feeling of being drunk. Still drinks sometimes, anyway.)
  • Underseasoned food (Bit tragic, considering where he lives.)
  • Unorganized surroundings (He has a very particular way he organizes his belongings and if anyone messes that up he gets really pissy about it.)
  • Summer (He wouldn't mind the heat much, except he absolutely hates summery clothing. So, you know… He doesn’t like winter either; spring and especially autumn are perfect, he thinks.)
  • Black coffee (He likes his coffee super sweet. He thinks it’s “unmasculine“ to put a lot of milk in it, so in public he just puts a ton of sugar in it. He uses milk at home, though. Same goes for tea.)
  • Playing board/card games (he has a shockingly good poker face.)
  • Photography (Originally a skill picked up for work, now also a hobby.)
  • Stamp collecting
  • Gardening (He helps Gautier tend to the roses.)
  • Woodcarving
  • Birdwatching
  • Writing (Has never and will never publish anything.)
  • Bowling (Played lawn bowls sometimes as a kid, now prefers indoor bowling. He’s overconfident in his abilities.)
  • Smokes likes a chimney.
  • Preeeeetty irritable, even with his mood stabilizers.
  • Uses cringey British vocabulary a lot.
  • Has a tendency to pace back and forth when nervous or irritated. Fidgets in other ways, as well, but pacing is a big one.
Pet Peeves
  • People who take forever to order at cafés
  • People who insist on playing Devil’s advocate 
  • People who chew with their mouths open/loud chewers (Misophonia?)
  • Faulty technology
  • Thalassophobia (He can cross the English Channel without issue but if he had to take a ship across the Atlantic he would just die.)
  • Ghosts...? (He claims they don’t exist, and yet…)
  • Arachnophobia

Rajesh was born on May 20th, 1784. His parents had both immigrated to England independent to one another: his father was recruited as a lascar, and his mother was a nanny for a wealthy family. They eventually met, married, and… Well, Rajesh happened, but not before they had three children before him; a boy, who thrived, and two girls, who did not manage to survive infancy. Rajesh was very sickly as a child; he had a weak immune system and would fall ill often, leaving him weak and frail even when he was “well.” This can probably be chalked up to him being malnourished to some degree—no fault to his parents, they did what they could, but being poor was pretty brutal back then. Honestly, though, it’s kind of a miracle that he managed to not perish from any of his illnesses.

This frailty left him unfit to work, so rather than be sent off to work with his older brother as a chimney sweep or in some factory, he would often be taken along with his mother to her work. He was terribly shy, but became friends with one of the girls his mother nannied; Constance.


Constance - Wife, deceased


Amelia - Daughter


Gautier - “Husband”

"I don’t have time for this."
  • ● He’s hot, he’s sexy, and he’s dead.
  • ● Rajesh has bipolar disorder: he manages it fairly well with prescription mood stabilizers. He has depressive episodes more often than manic ones; though, strangely, he had more manic episodes than depressive when he was still a human. He mostly just thinks it’s a huge pain in the ass now that he has a relative grip on it, but deep down knows that it’s… Pretty bad, actually. He’s too “tough” to express it, though. Also he’s autistic.
  • ● Rajesh owns a flintlock pistol. It’s pretty old, but he keeps it well maintained. Does he still use it? That’s for him to know, and you to find out, if you wanna fuck around. (Not unless he has to.)
  • ● He has a (WIP) playlist here!
  • ● He wears black lamb skin leather gloves almost every day, and really only takes them off when he’s alone or with people he loves. It’s something of a symbol of vulnerability for him whenever he takes them off. A consequence of this: his hands tend to get cold quickly whenever he isn’t wearing his gloves, and he terrorizes his partners with his icy hands.
  • ● Rajesh was a vegetarian as a human; this had to change when he became a vampire as they are obligate carnivores, but he still eats meat relatively seldomly, three times a week at most, generally. He was extremely ill for a good month or two after being turned because his body had to acclimate to digesting animal (human) proteins.
  • ● Rajesh is fluent in English, Punjabi, Gujarati, and Hindi, having been taught all 4 languages as a child. He knows a variety of other languages at varying levels of fluency, including but not limited to: Tamil, Spanish, French, Welsh, Mandarin, Latin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Greek (both modern and ancient), Esperanto, Old English, Old French, German, Japanese, Gaelic, Russian, Zulu, Sanskrit, and Finnish. He dedicates a considerable amount of his free time to learning new languages; linguistics is one of his special interests!
  • ● Rajesh is a Hindu, though he struggles a bit with it considering the needs of a vampire. He’s doing his best. (I need to do more research on Hinduism <:3 )
  • ● Despite the fact that he, through Gautier, has access to a lot of money, Rajesh has a tendency to prefer cheaper goods; perhaps he’s frugal due to his upbringing? For some reason, he vastly prefers cheaper cologne to more expensive ones; though, he won’t turn down a gift from his husbands…
  • ● His glasses are FAKE!!! He needed glasses for real as a human but his fucked up eyesight cleared up sometime after he was turned. He likes how he looks with glasses on more, though, so he still wears them. 
  • ● Rajesh is a daywalker, which means sunlight doesn’t hurt him. In exchange, his physical and magical abilities, while still greater than that of a human, are far weaker than the average vampire. He’s a little miffed about being “weak” but he supposes he doesn’t hate being able to go outside during the day without burning to a crisp.

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