Eden Crest



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


30 + ???




Human ?




Panromantic and Ace



Eden can be a little lost in thought. Generally open minded and willing to try anything, he can be curious albeit oblivious at times. It doesn’t help that he’s incredibly hard to read due to often seeming like his head is in the clouds. Exploring the world and mostly doing his own thing. Sometimes he‘s so far in thought that when he snaps out of it he’s confused on what’s going on around him.
He’s often quiet until spoken to, simply moving around in his own world. To some- it can be a little scary.

Despite that, he can be quite playful. Often purposefully sneaking up behind his loved ones to give them a little scare. As well as trying anything they bring him to do, unless it comes at the harm of others. That is one thing he cannot stand; the thought of hurting others. It weighs heavily on his mind of how his younger self acted despite the good intentions- despite barely remembering any of it. He often pushes that to the back of his thoughts, to focus on being a better father and friend to those he is close with. Though struggling with the fact he had been through delayed aging, causing some weird effects. 

He is fiercely protective of his new found home and those close to him. Often taking it a step too far and becoming quite stubborn in defending them- a very uncommon trait he doesn’t normally have. Though as long as you have not threatened either, he is extremely friendly.

Some Info:

He use to be a “World Dictator”. In the way everyone gave him the credit, but he wasn’t aware of it. He made the building blocks, but his company took over the world when he wasn’t in a sane state of mind. He was barely in control of his company back then; seeing as his AI (his brother as well) took it over when he was dead for a thousand years from having his head bashed in. Then revived, thanks to massive amounts of alterations done to his body. Of course he was ’killed’ again, and kept in a secure location for a few thousand more years because people started wars over him.

He is the father to Virus, Ghoul, Barry, Mill, and Serene. 

The last three he didn’t even know he had until they were all in their 20’s. All of which created in labs; able to exist via his blood. He loves them all dearly and would do anything for them. 

He also feels a lot of guilt about his family. How it all came to be, he can barely look anyone related to his long past tense family in the eye.

And to explain his more..freaky? ref, he turned into a god later in life. Specifically into a higher-end god called ‘The God Maker’. Thanks to the altering of his body. He hates it. I may or may not expand further on this. 

Fun Facts;

  • He really enjoys wine. 
  • His hair has a pulse. It’s only really noticeable if you’re touching his hair as it’s a slow pulse. Do with that as you will.
  • He has a butterfly sanctuary! He. Falls asleep in there sometimes.
  • Weird sense of fashion. AKA it doesn’t exist he wears barbie boxers at home, and refuses to wear anything but suits in public. Casual clothes are reserved for ‘important events’ like visiting graves, apparently. 
  • He has some weird outfits in his closet that he refuses to get rid of, but never wears.
  • He cannot cut his hair, and he refuses to put it in any other hairstyle or even put it up in a ponytail. Attempting to cut it will result in it getting longer. Eden it’s so long it’s a tripping hazard it’s already over 12 ft long please-
  • His god form gets more eyes and taller with a more static-like voice as time goes on. 
  • “Even if your body magically heals itself no matter the damage; it can’t heal the wounds on the soul. “
  • Oh yeah insane healing abilities. 
  • His blood often looks more pink than red. Sometimes it’s even a glowing white.
  • He can summon butterflies and use them as weapons, transport, or just a cool party trick. 
  • If you look at those butterflies closely, they aren’t just white, they reflect memories of the past.
  • He cooks and bakes EXTREMELY well. He took what his friend Mint taught him and ran with it. One of his favorite hobbies. 
  • He’s also good at making candy but he hates doing so.
  • What’s his favorite thing to make? Baklava. Yet he picks up the finished good with his gloves- ruining the gloves. It’s  doubtful that he cares about that.
  • When he’s upset his body can start to distort unnaturally.
  • He has a slight dent in the back of his head from his past. 
  • He has a scar in the middle of his chest and back. It looks a lil weird, as it generally looks like a fractal.
  • He likes moths just fine, but he will never let one touch him.
  • He is extremely underweight, despite getting taller and looking like a perfectly healthy man. It is unknown why.