


1 year, 8 months ago


Original backstory can be found here

Dad- Fuzzy'ears, Siblings- Copper and Finchflight, apprentice- Ebonypaw

Longclaw was pushed away by his father from the very start, he would avoid him specifically when visiting him and his siblings in the nursery while they were being raised by Hornet´snap. He was never very close with Copperkit and Finchkit, they would run off to play their own games while leaving Longkit behind. The last he ever saw of his siblings was right after they heard about their mom being from Shadowclan and they wanted to pay her a visit. The last of their scent was found in an old fox den by the twoleg dens where they were presumed to be eaten. Fuzzy´ears wanting to protect his only remaining son made Longpaw wait another two moons before being apprenticed, putting the younger kit´s in the nursery ahead of him in training.

When Longpaw was made an apprentice his father would often suggest him being a medicine cat, but Longpaw was done being cooped up in camp his whole life and choose the path of a warrior. But much to his surprise Longpaw was given an old slow warrior as his mentor, notorious for his terrible battle skills and had Longpaw cleaning ticks off the elders and replacing every fragment of moss in the camp while the other apprentices trained and explored the territory. After moons of nonsense Longpaw took the situation into his own paws, he would wander off from collecting moss to watch the other apprentices train, he watched them stalk and eventually learned to catch his own prey. Occasionally the others would catch him teach him some battle moves. He started to sneak out at night to practice the battle moves and eventually he was able to take down their mentors with ease.

On a full moon near the end of his apprenticeship Longpaw was invited to his first gathering, the other apprentices gossiped about Longpaw beating up their mentors and the Shadowclan apprentice´s wanted to put him to the test against their apprentice that could take down a senior warrior, Owlpaw. Longpaw agreed to fighting Owlpaw and all the apprentices snuck off away from the gathering to watch the showdown. Owlpaw and Longpaw fought with claws sheathed and were a perfect match in their skills, every blow they swiped the other would dodge, every pounce, strike, tumble and bite. But things got out of hand. The winds grew raged, clouds covered the moon, the murmuring of the gathering was halted and the sound of their battle was prominent. Due to the cloud cover the clearing became dark and Longpaw couldn't block Owlpaw´s unsheathed blow to his eye. Brutestar and Waspstar broke up the fight and the gathering was ended.  Fuzzy´ears was in shock of how matted Longpaw was after the battle, he was furious and yelled at him in the medicine den after having his wound treated. His naming ceremony was halted for three moons of more camp duty's and he wasn't allowed outside.

When Longclaw was made a warrior he was distant from the rest of the clan, he was never invited on patrols and he would often hunt by himself, he would still train at night, but he mostly wandered the territory. One day when coming back from hunting he found strangers in the camp with one of them being his thought to be dead brother, Finchkit. The clan was overjoyed and happy to see him back, even Fuzzy'ears who took immediate care of his lost son. Finch made Longclaw's blood boil, Longclaw was the son that was here the whole time, but now Finch was suddenly more important than he had ever been? He started sleeping outside of the camp and wandering off for days at a time, considering leaving the clan behind, if no one cared about him. Till a faithful night of training, Longclaw came across his old rival on the border of the thunderpath, Owlnose. Owl apologized for ruining Longclaw's already not as good looks at the gathering and they became acquaintances that met by the thunderpath every night. The two slowly became friends and Longclaw for the first time looked forward to something and could sleep with ease. 

After nearly a moon of secret meetings Owlnose asked Longclaw for a favor, to bring his father to the Riverclan border. Longclaw agreed and the two went their separate ways. The next day, Finch was made an official warrior of Thunderclan and was named Finchflight. Longclaw was preparing to approach his father when Fuzzy'ears came to him to ask about taking a walk by Riverclan. Longclaw was shocked at his father's request till he remembered Owlnose's favor. The two walked by the border, Longclaw picking up the faint scent of Owlnose nearby. Fuzzy'ears began to apologize for pushing Longclaw away all these moons, and told him of the prophecy he received many moons ago of his eldest kin bringing the clans down, but in truth his mate was Sootfur from Shadowclan just like Copper and Finch had tried to prove all those seasons ago and she had kept his eldest brother there to keep the prophecy true, and how she came to him last night and told him everything. From how their relationship was a set up to how Owlnose was going to kill him tonight. But if Longclaw stood at his side they could be father and son and he would never have to be alone again. Suddenly the world crashed down around Longclaw. The cat he thought he was fell out of his grasp and the world shattered, in a moment of blindness Longclaw attacked his father, Fuzzy'ears took the blows, not fighting back, he wanted his father to fight but he was helpless, Longclaw hissed and left his father by the bank of Riverclan. Horrified by his actions he ran, ran far away, he had to find Owlnose. He ran and ran and ran till he arrived at fourtree's where Owlnose arrived a time later with blood staining around his mouth from the death.