POV: your oc’s bio is 5 paragraphs to long

1 year, 6 months ago
3 months, 28 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

All of my main Warrior cat oc's original bios that I changed cuz they were to long 🫠

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I like how this bio came out, it’s just so……long 

Longclaw’s original bio

As far as Longkit was aware his father, Fuzzy’ears, was the best warrior in all the clans, vanquishing any foe that crossed his path, hero of Thunderclan! And Longkit wanted to be just like his father, fast and strong and winner of every battle! But he was pushed down by his father, even offered a position of medicine cat to ensure he didn’t become the best. But Longkit refused saying he wanted to be like his father. Days before his apprenticeship his father tried to convince Waspstar to hold Longkit back just a few moons. Longkit didn’t hear the conversation but later that day Finchkit and Copperkit said that they were going to find their Mother. After that night they weren't seen again. 

Longpaw wasn’t extremely close with his siblings, but it still made a hole in his heart, on top of the pain that he never knew his mother. It also gave Longpaw more determination to look up to his Father and be the best warrior he could possibly be and let nothing get in the way of his goal. 

When Longpaw was apprenticed, his mentor seemed to always hold him back, avoiding training and assigning him to doing chores by himself. While other apprentices went on patrols around the borders of the territory, Longpaw was stuck in the elders den removing ticks and changing bedding. Fuzzy’ears as well seemed to avoid Longpaw and tried his best not to be an influence in his life. This left Longpaw feeling abandoned and alone that his family was abandoning him. 

Late at night Longpaw would sneak out of camp to train by himself, or avoid fetching moss to watch the other apprentices train. Overtime he slowly became a good enough fighter to match a full grown warrior as put to the test when his mentor gave him the scarce taste of battle training. He’d scared the living daylights out of his mentor and gained a new respect around the other apprentices. But it still wasn’t enough to gain the attention of his Father.

At one gathering close to being named a warrior, Longpaw had gained a reputation for the best apprentice in the clan, and was challenged by a Shadowclan apprentice, Owlpaw, to put it to the test. The two snuck away to fight with a few other apprentices following to spectate. Longpaw started off strong, keeping his claws sheathed and batting the larger Owlpaw. But clouds covered the moon and Longpaw had trouble seeing where he was landing his blows, and out of thin air Owlpaw had landed a blow to Longpaw’s left eye, nearly permintantly blinding him. 

Brutestar of Shadowclan and Waspstar broke up the fight when they heard Longpaw cry out. When Fuzzy’ears found his son he was horror struck to find how battered the two apprentices were. Each of them were heavily disciplined for interrupting the gathering and Longpaw’s warrior name ceremony had been delayed by 3 more moons of chores. 

Longclaw became detached from everyone in his clan. It was well known that he was their best fighter, but he was never allowed to enter a battle or even train an apprentice. He became lazy and sat around camp most days only leaving to hunt or train more. Fuzzy’ear’s had become the Deputy of Thunderclan. Longclaw still strived to prove he could live up to his father but he was still ignored. Even his father had been sneaking out of camp to be away from him Longclaw would soon find. Or so he thought

One fateful day Longclaw returns to camp to find a small group of rogues asking to join, with one of the loners being his lost brother Finch’kit. Over time Longclaw learned more about his brother through listening to gossip around the clan.  But what angered Longclaw the most was how Fuzzy’ears couldn’t be away from his lost son for a minute. He was overjoyed he was home and always looked out for him. He treated him like a kit and acted like he was his only son. But Longclaw was right there. Why couldn’t Fuzzy’ears see that? 

Finchflight earned his warrior name a moon later. And Fuzzy’ears for seemingly the first time in forever takes notice of Longclaw in the back of the ceremony leaving camp with a bad attitude on his face. Fuzzy’ears catches up to Longclaw and attempts to talk to him and promises he would explain why he’s been so negligent throughout the years. But Longclaw loses his temper and starts fighting his Father, screeching out moons of pain of wanting his father to love him and wanting a family after everyone had left him. Fuzzy’ears between taking blows and doging tries to explain that a prophecy was foretold that the eldest of four of his kits would be the death of the clans if they didn’t put a stop to it. But now he knew Owlnose was his eldest son and Longclaw didn’t have to be neglected by the clan anymore.

Longclaw, who doesn't listen to a word his father says out of spite and fury, gives up and runs towards fourtrees, Longclaw couldn’t stand his Father anymore. He ran as fast as he could, crying out all the way there. Only until he makes it to highrock does he stop and whimpers at the base of the rock. Realizing how pathetic he was and only wanting to be alone.

Later Longclaw hears a rustle in the bushes and the Shadowclan warrior Owlnose emerges from a bush, with a look of horror stuck and blood stains on his paws that had been unsuccessfully washed in the river. Longclaw sees him and realizes what's happened.