Eight (Singularity AU)



1 year, 8 months ago





NameEight Lunulata
Age15-17 in Metro | 20 as of Splat3
SpeciesDome Octoling (Blue-ringed/Coconut hybrid)
OccupationHigh-ranking Scout (formerly) | Kamabo Test Subject
ResidenceDome 5 (formerly) | Deep Sea Metro

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. It'll be different this time, I promise." 


Eight had always been the kind of Octoling that followed the rules, seeing the punishments that came with rebellion keeping him in line ever since he was little. It's the only way he knew how to survive in the harsh militaristic domes. It's outwardly bossy, short-tempered, easily stressed, and bootlicking, having a tendency to follow commands and deliver messages without question. Internally, recently more often than not, he's constantly trying to convince himself that he was made to follow orders and that's what he must do, despite those orders sometimes contradicting his own morals. Its tiniest acts of rebellion are something it'd describe as sickening and regrettable, but they feel more like a breath of fresh air than anything. It has issues with seeing itself as an individual, usually accepting its place as a cog in the machine for the greater good of the Octarians. The fact that a lot of others only seem to respect him for his authority further fueling those feelings. None of that has stopped it from yearning for the freedom and stress-free life of the surface nearly every Octarian dreams of, though.


PRE-OE: Eight is 5'1" with the standard masculine Octoling cut, though there's a particularly stubborn tentacle on his right that won't stay short for long and he's gotten tired of going through the effort to get it cut. It has blue dots right below its eyes and on the corners of its mouth that make its Blue-ringed genetics abundantly clear—at least whenever the blue rings aren't on display—and has a tail that's usually curled at the end in an attempt to hide the crooked tip. He's usually seen proudly wearing the Golden Toothpick as an earring; a mark of his status as a high-ranking soldier.

DURING OE: Over time, Eight's tentacles grow out to an awkward midpoint between the standard masculine and feminine styles, which are constantly highlighted by the blue rings making its stress abundantly clear. His recklessness in tests is also clear with the various scars and bandages littering his body, especially the explosion scar on his back that has gone largely untreated.




Before everything, they had an awful history that neither of them remember. But now, Lethe is essentially Eight's other half during his time in the Deep Sea. They clicked near-instantly the moment they met, and Eight isn't planning on letting go of its closest companion in the confusing depths of Kamabo Co.


Delta was his superior and one of the closest friends he had in the Domes, knowing them from childhood and all the way to near-Elite status. They stuck with each other through thick and thin and Delta was the only person Eight would break the rules for. Any memory it has left of them now is vague and foggy at best, though after gaining the Octoling mem cake, some memories become clearer.


Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus non tortor sit amet ultricies. Aenean tempor libero eget faucibus tempor. Sed rhoncus, libero ut gravida sollicitudin, nulla lorem posuere nisl, in pretium tortor dui commodo libero.

The Squidbeak Splatoon

Eight is absolutely convinced the NSS ruined its life. Despite his amnesia, he knows he's supposed to despise the Splatoon and all it stands for, especially that infuriatingly deadpan Agent 3. It barely acknowledges Cuttlefish's existence when he's around, instead opting to ignore everything he tries to say under the guise that it doesn't understand Inklish.


Donec maximus tincidunt purus, id luctus ante tincidunt id. Vivamus vitae molestie libero. Aenean sagittis felis nec massa tincidunt bibendum. Sed in mi sagittis, mollis urna dapibus, accumsan eros. Praesent feugiat tortor at magna dictum interdum. Sed sit amet nisl at felis pharetra efficitur sed in ex. Donec tempus mollis ligula vitae posuere. Cras fermentum est eu urna iaculis feugiat. Integer eget dui sed nunc maximus efficitur vitae sed sapien. Curabitur ac facilisis mauris. Etiam tellus elit, facilisis nec risus sit amet, blandit volutpat augue. Nulla non ultricies risus, id vehicula arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sodales semper tortor, ut posuere dui ullamcorper ut. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Nullam malesuada metus quis purus laoreet sodales. Nunc consequat volutpat libero, et efficitur libero faucibus placerat. Vivamus fermentum eget nisl non luctus. Proin posuere felis orci, nec molestie sem eleifend at. Pellentesque et fringilla leo. Quisque finibus ligula sed odio ullamcorper malesuada. Aliquam eget turpis vitae dui facilisis consectetur. Mauris pulvinar dapibus aliquet. Cras sit amet venenatis nunc. Integer egestas gravida ultricies.Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit.

Id nibh tortor id aliquet. Tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Bibendum est ultricies integer quis auctor. Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor. Pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui ut. Facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus.

Present Day

Vestibulum vulputate vel magna feugiat viverra. Maecenas suscipit luctus lectus molestie sagittis. Cras id aliquet elit, sit amet vehicula leo. Integer mollis, ante ut convallis sodales, nisl augue tincidunt felis, non faucibus felis nibh id sem. Nulla lorem eros, mattis sit amet hendrerit ac, aliquam sit amet tortor. Nam aliquam sapien quis velit interdum, at aliquam mi facilisis. Suspendisse volutpat ligula eget neque ullamcorper vulputate. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec feugiat tempor tempor. Sed euismod, quam sed consectetur faucibus, tortor mauris imperdiet ex, eget lacinia mauris arcu ac nunc. Proin aliquam mattis lorem faucibus rutrum. Sed in nisl risus. Fusce fringilla, diam nec finibus ultrices, ex lectus dignissim purus, sed ornare ante sapien vel ex. Mauris quis dolor massa. Donec aliquam orci sed enim volutpat efficitur. Quisque aliquet scelerisque ipsum, sed fermentum lorem.

Praesent vitae posuere urna. Curabitur placerat sit amet turpis congue consectetur. Phasellus hendrerit metus in sem ullamcorper dictum sit amet quis justo. Ut leo ex, pretium a ipsum quis, blandit pellentesque arcu. Sed consequat risus id maximus aliquet. Vestibulum quis sem a arcu posuere dictum. Nam euismod nisl velit, finibus dignissim sem sagittis vitae. Nullam vestibulum, ipsum in dictum interdum, nisi nibh gravida orci, tempor porta ipsum nunc vel odio. Curabitur egestas lacus sed odio commodo rutrum. Duis aliquet sem eros, in aliquet elit suscipit rhoncus. Etiam luctus varius ipsum eget sagittis. Curabitur consectetur quam quis fringilla posuere.


VOICECLAIM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb18RP2hTwY

PLAYLIST W/ LETHE: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3VBTxaURU1Muojw6Pehrjk?si=96acfc17e8f34bf5