


1 year, 7 months ago



Faux Xilbernaf
751 years
Mhòse Slumberer / ?
172 cm


Faux is a reckless individual who has little care of how "things are supposed to work". He very much follows his own moral compass and doesn't really adjust to the cultures or societies aorundhim unless it makes sense to him. He's kind of lost in his own perspective and opinion a lot of the time and as a result really struggles finding a lot of worthwhile company or healthy relationships around him. It's not per say because h doesn't want to, he just has a habit of shoving others around him away, unless they are patient and calm in their approach.
Faux didn't use to be quite as morally questionable, but somewhere along in his studying to become a healer, the rush of playing with higher seemingly powers changed him. He is fascinated with his ability to "take and give" life and and struggles with seeing a point to life, aside getting to mess with and play around. Though he had high aspirations in the past of helping others, Faux now has seemingly withdrawn from the idea of a society and instead spends his time "experimenting". Perhaps he's-- trying to find his way back on track and find a purpose again?


  • ???
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  • ???
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Important Info

Blood Color: Dark purple

  • TBA

Songs for inspiration:

song/playlist title


  • TBA

Magical Powers

  • Necromancy - Faux can both raise people back as undead creatures, but can also revive peope properly, if he has everything he needs and it's done in the right timeframe. The latter obviously takes more time. He's in fact really skilled at it, to the point that he attract the eyes of others, despite not really advertising himself.

Physical Powers

  • TBA

Faux always struggled controlling his magic, ever since it made its presence known. Wild and chaotic bursts showed both a need for dicipline, but also a strong potential for a future with magical capabilities. Wanting to make a positive difference to the world, Faux was infatuated with the idea of healing and bringing joy to others by restoring what had been broken.

Though his control of his powers wan't quite there, the sheer potential actually got him quite far. He was accepted by the the healing academy, Heisteria, and worked towards his goals. Initially he got a lot of praise and special treatment for his sheer powers, as he mastered the easy basic skills. His professors and peers seemed hopeful for him and Faux was excited at the prospect of finally getting things right. Of being seen as worthy, rather than a burden. Figuring out how to use his powers was however something Faux really struggled with time. Initially it was easy enough for him, but as time went on,he ran into more and more issues,not understanding or being able to perform what was asked of him, whne his peers managed to figure it out. One by one, they climbed the academical latter ahead of him, and as he fell behind, so dissapeared the validation and care he had come to rely on. The only person that seemed to be able to stand by his side and also be able to hold him together was Allika, his best friend. Allika was quite average in terms of their class, but undertood the material just fine and managed to follow along. When the professors dismissed and told Faux thye didn't have the time or funds to explain or retry the exercizes with Faux, Allika went over the things again and again and again.
Powerless and feeling unable to do anything in terms of reching his goals, Faux's mind wandered to places they were academicaly discouraged from - Necromancy. What better way to show his capabilities than to fix what most couldn't?
Allika sensed somethign was wrong and approached Faux about it, only to learn the truth. Surprisingly enough, Allika was pretty onboard with the idea, though he warned Faux that it was a pretty dangerous road, but that if Faux was headed that way, he'd come join as well.
Faux found solace and comfort in this prospect of more power, especially doing it with Allika in a way where the two of them both started out as new again iwht no one to tell teach them. Instead they taught each other. Faux still struggled grasping it, but actually found necromancy easier to wrap his head around. Or well, easier to shamelessly experiment with, without feeling pressured. They still studied healing, but with an outlet for Faux's worries, Faux accepted his position in the heirachy of the class and instead stuck with Allika.
They managed to keep their own illegal studies under wraps until they graduated, becoming closer of friends through their experiences. Before their leave of Heisteria, they actually managed to achieve interesting and decent results, which they documented well to learn from their prior mistakes. Soon School mattered less and less to the two of them and they got a reputation of being quite the troublemakers who could do well, if thye needed to, but else was seemingly busy with their own stuff.
Upon graduation Faux and Allika decided to continue their studying, collaboratively, but from split up as to cover more ground in research. It's been a while since then and thye have both become quite decent necromancers who are pretty public about them fucking around with the order of nature. They have plenty of enemies but got each other's back not to mention people who are interested in keeping them around for potential future business.

Faux grew up with his dad, Vence Xilbernaf, in the Darkscape, an area in of Midjord where the soil itself is unholy and is known for being horribly dangerous to travel in. Most people avoid traversing into it and the native species are often onsidered frightful beasts.
Born to a holy mother and an unholy father, Faux was by no menas a common sight at the time. The environment was hostile and rough - it was no means the optimal place to raise a child, but considering his heritage, it was probably one of the better places for them to stay unbothered. After Faux's mother gave birth to him, it was just him and his father in an inhereted family home.
He technically had other family on his dad's side that still resided in other places in the Darkscape, but the relationship was less of that of a family and moreso akin to an organization bound by blood.
Faux showed early signs of haboring a lot of magic, strong sparks it that manifested with his strong emotions. It was strong, but also incredibly hard for him to control. In hindsight, Faux sometimes wonders if this lack of control was also a part of the reason Vence refused to to bring him along. His dad also had magic, but Faux's seemed different, likely due to his mixed heritage. With no practical need to really use it, nor any real understanding of how to use his particular kind of magic, his only taught him some essential easy stuff that he practiced over and over.
Faux's father took pretty good care of Faux. He was considered one of the more civilized creatures that was easier to communicate with. That didn't mean he was particularly nice or kind to others though. Vence was very protective of Faux, knowing that the Darkscape was full of dangerous beings. He came from a line of rather well-off and priviledged unholy beings and so despite being closed off from the outside, he had quite a bit to offer Faux in terms of knowledge to study. Obviously it was more geared towarsd the Darkscape as well, but there was still a lot to learn. Not just family history, but also different anatomy books and medical records on the creatures in the area. Faux's father' himself wasn't in the medical field, but's side of the family were hunters of sorts and had a strong family tradition of disecting an figuring out other animals, in particular to eat and utilize the different parts of other beings for their own gain. Or sometimes even sell to the outside.
Faux learnt quite a bit of knowledge from Vence, despite his dad refusing to take him along for hunts for most of his childhood. He did want Faux to be able to take care of himself, but Faux was quite smaller than the rest of his dad's family. Instead Faux focused moreso on soaking in knowledge, especially from their homemade library.
When he reached his midteens, his dad one day just didn't come home from his hunt. He was usually rather timely and it had been a frequent topic that if he didn't arrive home before the daybreak, then he likely wouldn't be coming back at all. So in a way, Faux had always been prepared, always expected it.
It didn't stop hurting though.
Faux sent a letter off to the remainer of his his dad's family that he had passed away and that he would be taking care of the home. Since Faux had become a registered and accepted member of the family, there was seemingly no issue.
Life went on, now practically alone. Faux didn't continue the family business, but he knew enough to get by due to all the knowledge he had soaked up from those books. He never asked for help from his remaining family and the never reached out side to ask for updates ocasionally.
When Faux had been contemplating to travel out to learn more of healing magi, he disclosed as much in a letter to get advice and his grandmother wrote back that he was welcome to do so but that they'd send out family to live in the house so it was proteted for however long gone Faux would be. On top of that, he his attention was directed to the region of southern Bha'Lir, in particular the Heisteria Academy that specialized in healing.
This was probably the most his family had ever offered him and Faux appreciated it, deciding that he trusted them enough to take them up on this offer. Accepting their offer, he got ready to finally leave this lone place behind and to discover what laid outside his home.

Faux had a lot of reasons and aspirations for a career in the medical field. He in particular really wanted to pursue the path of physical healing as the idea of mending vessels or potentially making life easier for others seemed so important. With the childhood Faux had, he had seen his fair share of misery and so he strove to make a difference. A part of him just wanted to do good, but there was also a part of him that wanted to leave a mark on history to become famous and unforgettable to others. He wanted to be part of something larger and something important that could help those around him.
In his pursuit of knowledge, he heard of Heisteria, the school for the arts of healing and medicine, located in Cinmir.
Cinmir and Vhasmir- no, all of the southern Bha'lir, was rather well-known for their advancement of healing. After all, the goddess Regizea herself had her largest temple in Southern Vhasmir.
Seeking more knowledge and better opportunities, Faux decided to try be accepted by Heisteria. His magical abilities were good, although unruly and a bit chaotic. That said, everyone could clearly see he had the potential to become something truly fantastic one day! Though Faux didn't have a lot of theoretical knowledge beforehand, he quickly soaked in concepts and knowledge, which helped him show more promise.
He was accepted to attend Heisteria, despite his lack of papers on any prior education. His professors had mixed opinions of his attendance to the else pretty pristine academy, but it was undeniable that Faux had the talent for this field of work. He was attentive and focused on his goal, often spending his free time studying rather than socializing.
Faux found making friends a bit of an awkward affair, his humor and culture differated quite to those around him who were native to the Bha'Lir region. Though there were many kinds of creatures attending, he still looked stranger than most with his strange ears, eyes and his ability to sit completely still for hours upon end. Some peope actually saw him as weird and creepy, while others let their jealousy feed their dislike of him. Unsure how to approach others, Faux opted to focus on his studying or to further his knowledge on the medical field in one way or another.
Despite not seeking out friends and avoiding social events, another foreigner decided to befriend him. Allika was also outside the Bha'lir area, an individual with a somewhat pushy and confident personality who wasn't afraid to have differing opinions. Where Faux and many others sought to help and to bestow glory on their name, Allika was mainly there to get a good and well sought-after job.
Allika initiated their relationship by just sitting down by Faux's table and starting to ask for help concerning their classes. Faux being better at the theoretical knowledge, helped Allika understand the material. It went from studying together to then hanging out in their time off, until they were practically seen together always.
Things were going quite well until the middle of the third year where Faux suddenly started struggle withhis studying. His theoretical knowledge was still close to perfect, the issue was his magic. It wouldn't do as he needed it to do, though able to manage the simpler things he needed before,t he technically difficult and elaborate spells seemed to not work with his magic. They tried to figuring out why, what the issue was, but even figuring out what Faux's magic kind in the first place was, seemed to be a struggle.

The praise and expectations for Faux started dissapearing. As he struggled more and more, he became more and more frustrated and disheartened. His classmates started passing him by, one by one and then positive attention he had gotten from his idols dwindled. His professors became hesitant, uncertain of what they had once called a wonder. It cracked him up, crumbled his sense of self-worth and drive. He wanted to be better, to change the world. And he knewhe could do it, right? He had the potential. So why wasn't the world letting him? What was wrong with him, which part was broken?
Falling further and further back, he tried to study harder, to have his teacher explain it over and over until sympathy grew to annoyance or pity.
Why, why, why?
How could be become talented again? How could he stop feelign this miserable? Some suggested he'd seek a different way of healing that didn't including magic, but all it did was to tear him apart.
Desperate and lost in his own crumbling mind, he sought advice from the sources that didn't feel like a knife in the back, his books. He needed an answer, something, to lead him back into the light. Had Allika not been there to help take of himself, he'd have completely neglected his own health, as he burried himself more and more away. He'd most likely have push Allika away too, had he not held onto him and listened to his rambles, whilst showing her resistance and support. He was really good at pushing down his terrible and destructive ideas, but also enourage him to figure out new ways to re-discover his purpose.
And then it hit Faux--
What if-- what if he did the most healing anyone could?
What if he just-- healed the dead? Brought them back? Sure it was illegal but that was in part because "it's always messy".
Well what if it wasn't?
Faux could figure otu a way to make it work, he knew he could do it. It wasn't impossible, it merely took a lot of magic. And he had a lot of magic, he knew that much. That was one of the reasons it stung so much when people called him magic insufficient.
He'd prove that he was worth attention and approval, that he wasn't to be discarded or broken. He'd fix what couldn't be fixed easily yet.
Faux convinced himself more and more that this was a good idea, though he understood very well that it was a pretty controversial idea and topic. Heisteria considered it a high moral crime that would get your license taken away for even dabbling in. But it only made sense - after all most feared what they didn't understand yet.
No matter, he'd tell Allika, whether Allika then would approve or snitch on him. Allika at least tell him if he thought it was a terrible idea and he trusted her.
He didn't expect Allika to think it was a decent idea though, much less that he'd throw away his entire potential career to join him. Allika told him that he thought it was one of his better ideas, when he presented all the benefits and drawbacks to her. Faux said he didn't have to join him and that he'd hate to take Allika to a path that was difficult and risky and in turn Allika told him to "shut up and that they were friends who stuck together".
One would think that necromancy would be as difficult as Faux' normal studies and they wouldn't necessariy be wrong. It wasn't like necromancy didn't need controlled magic too, but at least there was no one who expected him to reach any goals at a specific time. With it being a rather under-researched topic to begin with, Faux and Allika had a lot to explore, especially as thye did attempt to do it in the most ethical way they could think of.
As such, they started studying necromancy in the middle of their normal studies as they sagged more and more behind in their classes. They still managed to get by and actually the outlet and new passion helped Faux stress less and do generally better. With all the extra practice, he also managed to be able to control his magic more, though now he seemed to put in less effort on his normal healing studies. Faux and Allika did what was needed for them to comfortably get by, and spend the remaining energy to make sure that their side-studies was well hidded, developing different coding languages and such to communicate and transcribe their research into.
Their bond became stronger and stronger. They were both set on learning necromancy, so should one die, it was the others duty to bring them back. They were family, and family stuck together. Through thick and thin.
With promising results over their time at Heisteria, they actually managed to comfortably ressurrect different animals before their graduation, though they purposely didn't bring back any people before they were out of Heisteria. Finally though, they managed to Graduate from class '57, at that point well known as inseperatable troublemakers.
Finally getting to put that chapter behind him was so good for Faux. It changed him a lot, as he became more of a loose canon and leaned into his home-culture, rather than trying to fit into the rest of the culture at Heisteria. With Allika as a life-long friend and a new strong want in mind, Faux set off to master necromancy.

Practice makes perfect. And Faux sure practiced a lot. Unbound by any guilds, any group or family, Faux did as he pleased, testing the limits of the world he lived in. Allika and him parted after school, but stayed in touch to exchange their research and ideas. The two of them were rather smart and innovative, their brainstorming bouncing off each other really well.
The more Faux watched death and all that it had to offer, the less bothered by it he became. It didn't mean that he still didn't want to help others, but dying was less of an issue, just a minor set back.
His practice didn't go unchallenged. Though some appreciated his work, others thought of him as malevolent being, disrupting the laws of nature. Faux didn't mind too much however, people still came to him and asked for his help and their appreciation and joy over his work was all he needed. He settled into his old house that theXilbernaf family kept available to him, slowly refurnishing and rebuilding the place to be the perfect place for his work.
TThough he recided in the Darkscape, he made frequent travels far out from there, only to return after a month or two. On one of his travels, he met an elemental called Aris, whohe grew close with. It was bond that Faux hadn't really expected, but didn't mind. Her affection and care filled a void he hadn't really noticed that had been there. In a similar way to Allika, yet more akin to Vence, his late father. She became his mother, which he just kind of rolled with, offering her freedom and protection in return.



Magic-bound partner in crime

Allika is Faux's best friend. They might not currently see each other all the time, but Faux and her sitll talk frequently and correspond their coded disoveries in the arts of necromancy. Both has found great success in their field of work thanks to that sparring and commitment to help each others. Each of them has a crystal on their body, one of teleportation that teleports their vessel to the other, should it be in danger. Like, dying, for example. THat means if one of them is dying, It will try to teleport to the other, or if not possible, the other will be teleported to them, in order to bring them back from either the brink of dead, or from actual death. Faux has his artifact in his forehead.

Aris Xilbernaf


Adoptive Mother

Though Faux has been a "functioning" adult for quite a few years now, he's found a lot of comfort in the company of his new adopted mom, an elemental from the world of Krakrasien. Her company soothes him a lot, especially now that he doesn't live alone any longer.



Adopted Grandpa/Friend

Maliphagos shielded and protected Faux when people had seen themselves mad at him for him practicing necromancy. Maliphagos has since then looked out for Faux and tried to guide him to a healthier life. Some might think they wouldnt get along due to Faux's chaoti nature and Maliphagos tendency to talk forever, but Faux can tell and appreciates that Maliphagos really seems to care. So few others do.

Vence Xilbernaf



Faux tends to call him Vence more than he calls him Father or Dad. Back when he was alive, he called him Father more when talking to Vence, but when talking to anyone else, like his extended family or strangers he always said Vence.
Though he loved his father a lot and still does, so much time has passed. It feels like a long distant memory, even when he walks in his childhood home, which is also partially why he addresses his father by name.
Faux adored his father as a kid, even when Vence tried to lovingly toughen him up and prepare him for the hardships of life. The Darkscape was no nice place to live, but the struggles of life wasn't contained to unholy ground after all.
When Vence never came back, Faux was heartbroken, walking around like a husk on autopilot in the house. He did what his dad had told him to do over and over, trying to get through the day. And he did get by. He owes that survival to his dad.
His love and respect for his dad stil manifests in him getting angry and personal when people insinuate anything negative about his parents. He may not have known his mother, but his dad was ready to rip apart anyone who did, so he'll do the same.




Death and Faux has a bit of a strained relationship - Faux considers them friends but he knows that Death isn't too fond of him reviving people or such. He can definitely understand why, but well, that won't stop Faux. Apparently Faux isn't doing it enough to really be an issue? Maybe? Death hasn't been entirely clear on it, aside asking Faux to like not. Which obviously Faux isn't going to. But since their talk, he has been mroe mindful of what kind of things he does, just so it doesn't disturb other's lives.





html by Goldbeauti