


1 year, 7 months ago


Idk why I never uploaded her? She’s a major character in the first part of the story lol
She is not a major character after that because she dies :/

Crows gf, his first gf and one true love.

Speckle kills her because he thinks she’s Crow
She is supposed to look pretty similar to Crow so Speckle can confuse Crow with her. This works for several reasons, Speckle has never seen Crow (Ragen simply describes Crow as a 'small, male, black wolf with black hair' which fits a large amount of wolves lol) and because of Crow's ambiguous scent (which Ragen can't advise on because he can't scent) Speckle can't tell which wolf is Crow so he just goes for the closest one... Rayka.

She becomes another of the spirits haunting Crow after her death. Crow believes Rayka's death is his fault (which is kind of true?) and so holds onto her, trapping her spirit in his soul realm.
He is never able to talk with her in the same way he can talk to Frostbite because he is never able to break out of his guilt and attack her spirit. 

Her backstory is a wip, her old one is very outdated

Her brother is Monty , Rayka leaves her old pack (the City Pack) after Monty is kicked out, she is very protective of her brother and so he is towards her.
Monty blames Crow for Rayka's death, he has never liked Crow (mostly from jealousy - Crow has stronger powers than him and he took up lots of Rayka's time. But some of it is understandable, he thinks joining up with Crow was dangerous for the Outcasts because it puts a target on their back and may put them in danger... and well it does) and so when Rayka dies and the Outcasts decide to leave he is the only one who doesn't flee with them, instead going to Ragen to give him information in order to track down Crow, to enact revenge on him. 

Rayka's death is important for the character development for the entirety of the Outcasts.

It's also pretty tragic since she never really loved Crow. She liked him and enjoyed being with him but she didn't fall for him nearly as hard as he fell for her.
Rayka never really took much seriously, she knew of the evils of the packs from her brother but once they were away from that she didn't really think of it. She enjoyed talking to her friends, fooling around with Crow and teasing her brother, she was never really aware she was in danger. 

I love Rayka, she has to die to push forward the story (she's died in every iteration of the story) but it's sad :(