
Content warnings!: this story contains a lot of mentions of death! There is lots of violence/suffering/guilt over death and heavy themes in this. Please be aware it's on most character's profiles and in the literature attached to them too.

I've had these OCs and ideas for years (I first had the idea in 2014!) but I kinda forgot about them for a while. Now for some reason I have a renewed passion in these little edgy wolf guys haha
I am constantly revamping and fixing this story up, everything is a perpetual WIP, ignore all the mess :)

This is basically an edgy feral wolf story - supernatural powers, unnatural pack systems and all. It might be a little all over the place and way too emo for no reason but it’s all self indulgent, let me develop my fictional wolves how I want

The story follows Crow, a wolf born with the power to poison any wolf to death with just one bite. In his troubles trying to navigate the confusing and oppressive pack system he ends up enraging Ragen, a wolf with an insatiable hunger for power and vengeance. Ragen pursues Crow relentlessly, becoming even more angry the more he is evaded. Their fight eventually escalates into all-out war in the wolf valley, with the huge Resistance and Opposition packs representing not just Crow and Ragen but the fate of the entire valley itself. Of course many more characters get caught in the crossfire. 

The series doesn’t have a proper name, I used to refer to it as Wolves of the Valley but that seems kinda stupid (and I might have subconsciously stole it from somewhere?) For now it’s just Wolves.

Currently the story consists of -

The main story of Crow, Ragen and all the wolves caught in between. Currently in 5 parts.
(If this had a theme song it would be In The Shadows by The Rasmus you have no idea how much I associate that song with Wolves)

Wolves #1 – First Snow
Starts at Crow discovering his crow dead and being found by the Tombstone pack, ends with the Outcasts watching Ragen attack the City Pack'  leader and fleeing the city in search of the safe-haven for misfits.
This makes this part very long since that includes Frostbite's manipulation of Crow and death, the entire relationship between Rayka and Crow and then her death and a bunch of setting and context thrown in along the way.

Wolves #2 – Sewer Mutts
Starts with the Outcasts finally finding their safe-haven and ends with them  fleeing it after some of Ragen's wolves attack, which then leads to a mix of Outcasts and Sewer Wolves forming the Resistance Pack at the end.
This is a shorter item but very important for relationship development (mainly between Crow and Mouse, Luna, Rusty, Dakota, Free, and Frostbite +  Rayka's ghosts; but also establishes Monty, Ragen, Speckle and Yellow quite a bit and introduces the idea of Cinder).

Wolves #3 – Pack Struggle
Starts with the Resistance Pack hiding right under Ragen's nose, middle is the entirety of their ambushes and resistance efforts with a focus on Crow's inner conflict with his guilt, anxiety and all the ghosts haunting him. His suicide attempt happens somewhere in this item but I  don't know where. The whole drama with recruiting Troy also happens somewhere. Ends with Crow defeating Frostbite in a straight fight which  makes Frostbite a lot less evil and then Crow gradually overcoming his struggles and stepping fully into leading the Resistance Pack, as the entire valley is eventually pulled into the conflict one way or another.
This is fairly long because there is a lot of setting up and escalation needed for the next item, and also a lot of mental health stuff for Crow  to go through. 

Wolves #4 – The Final Confrontation
Everything builds up to the massive fight between the Resistance and Opposition packs, and the fight between Crow and Ragen. Starts with the two packs ambushing each other, a bunch of set-up and then ends with Crow killing Ragen and Hawk making his threat and fleeing with the remaining Opposition wolves.
This is shorter than most others, but longer than #5 because the fight is viewed from multiple perspectives and an awful lot happens during it.

Wolves #5 – In The Shadows
Crow  must fight Hawk, alone. He has a few days to prepare. He spends it reflecting on his life and the wolves he knows - both dead and not. He resolves the rest of his internal conflict and fully gives himself over to the martyr role, the last streaks of black fade from his hair. The first half of this item is just him preparing to die.
Then he fights Hawk and the whole ghost-fight-pain-thing happens. Then Crow dies, painlessly, while Hawk feels all the pain ever, and it obviously ends there.
This is probably going to be the shortest item, there isn't much to it. 

And several spin-offs -

Short spin-off set after the events of Wolves. What happens to all the surviving wolves and the valley as a whole once the main characters are gone?
Not so much a story, just series of one-shots about where everyone who was left ended up in the year since Ragen's defeat and Crow's death.

Prequel to Wolves. Details Frostbite’s history, his initial quest for power in the Tombstone pack and why he lost it and needed Crow to get it back.
I've completely remade this storyline three times so don't expect it to be concrete or done anytime soon.

I have most of the main storyline plotted (except for Pack Struggle, which I'm kinda stuck on), and this is my main focus. The spin-offs are all just for fun/when I have writing block.
If I ever get super bored I do have ideas for a sequel...

There isn't really any properly readable version of anything yet, there are a couple literatures attached to the characters and I am in the process of writing profiles if you are for some reason interested 

There is also a world page however it is really disorganised and private for now, you can ask if you want to see it though

Basically come back in like ten years if you actually want to read anything haha