Sébastian Merlo



6 years, 2 months ago


A nervous pirate with too much love to give.

Once a founding member of the Scarlet Vessel, Sébastian fell head over heels in love with Captain Barren Red.  The affair went on for some time... Until Sébastian realized the Captain was the worst person to be in love with.
Desperate for a way out, Sébastian snuck away from the ship during an attack on the Water Coffin, a ship belonging to the Captain's rival, the Gravedigger.  He begged for a position on the ship, and the Gravedigger reluctantly let him join (not before a few trials, of course).
The next time the Scarlet Vessel and the Water Coffin clashed, Captain Barren Red sought out Sébastian and cut off three of his fingers on his right hand, aiming to take the whole hand.  The Gravedigger was able to intervene, and Sébastian is eternally grateful to his new captain.

Sébastian is loyal and loves almost everyone he meets, except from those he steals from.  He can fish really well with his hands.  He may be small, but he'll fight for those he cares for until he can't carry on any farther.