
1 year, 8 months ago


The secret originator of the entire universe, which is still part of their own body.

   They are able to alter all of it at will and appear in anywhere they please, as all matter is simply just an infinitesimally smaller version of them, similar to a fractal. This effect is responsible for an uncountable infinitude of universes.

   They created the Matriarchs as assistants to their experiment of attempting to create a self-actualizing civilization that could progress on its own, and the Patriarchs as a failsafe incase the experiment ever became potentially dangerous enough to itself or maybe even the rest of the multiverse, as it would harm Monad's own being beyond repair. 

   While both groups know their respective roles, they are both unaware of Monad's existence as well, and didn't necessarily always know the other. The Patriarchs did know of the Matriarchs for much longer than the other did, though; witnessing their divine shine from far away, while they lurked in the eternal darkness of the universe.

   Monad disguises themself (or rather, one of their infinitely many instances) by impersonating the deceased god Zaara, using the cover of a wise elder god hidden within armor. They do this to exert their will over the world, all the while not making themself known. They prefer this less direct approach to avoid anyone noticing their true existence.
