Marigold Randall



6 years, 4 months ago


  • Marigold

  • Name Marigold Randall
  • Nickname Goldie (by Maribel)
  • Age 18
  • Gender Female
  • Species Human

The oldest of the Randall sisters, a peppy and energetic airhead who's head cheerleader at Marigold High and dreams of being an actress, oblivious to her total lack of talent.


DoB:February 2nd
Trademark Colour:Pink
Hair Colour:Blonde
Eye Colour:Orange
Family:Winfred (Father), Luna (Mother), Marilyn, Marina, Maribel, Mariana (Sisters)
Significant Other:None
  • Gifts
  • Romantic comedies
  • Jewellery
  • Dancing
  • Bugs
  • Studying
  • Sour things
  • Curfew


Marigold is your typical airheaded teenager who's oblivious to the world outside of her own preoccupation. That's not to say she's a bad person, she's very good-hearted and caring about those around her, but she's very oblivious to how they actually feel and can't read a mood to save her life. That's not her fault though, her social standing in combination with her expressive and bubbly attitude has meant she's always been the centre of attention as long as she can remember, so she embraces all eyes being on her and being treated like a star. This adds to her pride in being the oldest of the sisters, a role she is boastful about as she believes she's a responsible and respected leader and role model to them (she isn't). All this has made her bratty and spoiled; even if she is good-natured, she's still a vain, immature and ignorant child who pouts if things don't go her way.

And yeah, okay, let's not beat around the bush, the poor dear is as dumb as a bag of bricks, a stereotypical 'dumb ditzy blonde'. She's super gullible and overly-trusting, particularly in the face of family and friends whom she can't see any reason to doubt. She does quite poorly in school as well, as she spends most of her free time indulging herself instead of studying. Though she gets anxious about her poor grades, she otherwise doesn't let her idiocy get in the way of her optimistic energy. She focuses on enjoying herself without letting things get her down, since she arrogantly thinks most problems can be solved with money, good looks, or relying on others. When reality shows her this is not the case, she'll have an emotional burst and run crying for help instead of facing the problem herself.

As said though, even with her abundance of negative qualities, Marigold isn't really a bad person. Her vanity and selfishness simply come from not knowing any better, she really hates making others feel bad about themselves and will do her best to make up for it if she's actually able to realise she's responsible for doing so.

Just because she thinks she's great doesn't mean she thinks less of anyone else; she admires and adores a lot of people around her and will happily shower them with praise, even if they don't always deserve it, and her positivity and raw emotion is so infectious that she just has a natural talent for putting smiles on peoples faces. Her foolish obliviousness means she's very blunt and straightforward when it comes to confronting people, which can really catch them off-guard since she's usually so cheerful and can have a strong effect on them even if she totally misses the point of confronting them in the first place.


  • She is entomophobic.
  • Her favourite food is strawberry ice cream.
  • Originally she was named Maria and Mariah.


As the firstborn child of Winfred Randall, he was all too eager to bestow upon her the treasured name Marigold, after the land he sees as his family's birthright, hoping for her to grow up to be a shining beacon of his family name that would restore said land to his possession. Unfortunately for him, these expectations were placed in the wrong twin, as she soon proved to be more dull-witted and irresponsible than Marilyn, an emotional and silly child who would much rather play around and have fun than succumb to the heavy pressure her father exudes. Nevertheless, her role as firstborn, social status, as well as her big expressive personality, saw her get a lot of attention from family and friends, making her an airheaded princess of a child.

When the pair reached school and Marigold's ditzy attitude was reflected in her grades, her father's aspirations made their way onto her twin, Marilyn, instead, meaning he was happy for her to just get on with her life in any way that spared him any embarrassment. He'd give her easy access to his money to get anything she wanted just to keep her out of his hair, so she quickly became reliant on daddy's credit cards for financing her indulgences, becoming even less responsible than she was in the first place. Happy enough with these arrangements however, she quickly became a social butterfly with lots of friends, the popularity boosting her pride and energy even further.

This, of course, culminated upon entering Marigold High, as now she was a pretty and popular teenager whose father happened to be headmaster. Thus, naturally, in addition to those seeking her approval, companionship and even romance, she now had less-pleasant sorts trying to take advantage of relationships with her to get into the school's good graces. Being oblivious to this, Marigold unknowingly became even more reliant on others than ever before, as she needed friends to shower her with attention, admirers to carry her books and such, her sisters to protect her from any ill intent she may attract, etc.

Shooting even higher in popularity thanks to her position as captain of the Marigold High cheerleading squad, she became a regular socialite and decided she'd aspire to become an actress, as stardom clearly suited a gorgeous and talented girl like her, right?





As twins, Marilyn and Marigold are very close, even sharing a bedroom. Marigold considers her twin her very best friend, even if the feeling's not mutual, and cares about her more than anybody else. She greatly overestimates their connection as twins and believes they're always synchronised in their thinking even when it's clear that this is not the case, and thinks she's looked up to as the older twin, which is also definitely not the case. She's oblivious to Marilyn's envy and malicious intentions towards her and simply stays by her side happily.



Marigold gets along very well with Maribel, which is natural considering how energetic and positive the two of them are. While their other sisters may be put off by Maribel's eccentricity, Marigold embraces it, seeing it similarly to her own indulgence in life. She's always happy to get roped into her little sister's bizarre shenanigans, though she often doesn't fully comprehend them herself. She'll also try to get Maribel more involved with the family's more social activities, or to join her cheerleading squad, both to no avail, whereas the others would all rather leave her to do her own thing.



Marigold is very overprotective of Mariana, as she feels she has to be as the oldest sister towards the youngest. To her credit, she'll stick up for her against anybody who berates her or triggers her anxiety, be it on purpose or not. However, in doing so she can often unwittingly make Mariana even more anxious, prompting the younger sister to distance herself slightly, not that Marigold realises this herself. In addition, she also ignorantly tries to take advantage of Mariana sometimes, believing it's only natural for the youngest sibling to help the oldest without question.



Marigold doesn't really know Lum very well, but, as an aspiring actress, has a big interest in his secret film-making talents. Introduced to him through Maribel, she's keen to help him make his movies, even if she doesn't quite get them, so long as she gets to star in them. Though unwittingly selfish, she's genuinely enthusiastic to help, having a ton of fun acting out her parts, and enjoys the praise he gives her for her efforts, oblivious to the fact he has a huge crush on her and that she's actually a terrible actor who cannot emote appropriately amidst her excitement to be on camera. He doesn't have the heart to criticise her performance at all, so she genuinely think she's doing a fantastic job.
