035 Jesse Kelton



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info






'I can fix that up - still got some life in it yet.'

Name Jesse Reid Kelton

Age 40

Birthday 06th November 1861

Height 5'9" (175cm)

Gender/Pronouns Male (He/Him)

Sexuality Pansexual

Partner Judas Devan Moore

Nationality Scottish

Job Blacksmith

Alignment Neutral Good

Theme Song Wrapped Around Your Finger

Time Period 1899 (currently 1901)

Date Created 10th October 2022

(HTML written by Pinky)


Creative - Apathetic - Earnest - Overprotective

As the local tradesman and town drunk, Jesse seems harmless. And he is, most of the time. For the vast majority of his life, Jesse put his family first, living with his parents and doing all he could to help keep them afloat. He and his younger sister Josephine were very close growing up, having a banterous friendship and genuinely enjoying each other's company; the relationship with their parents was similar, and the four of them were a tight-knit family unit as the kids grew up. He always treasures the time he spent as a rambunctious kid making his parents laugh. Overall, his childhood was as wonderful as anyone could hope for, the only issue being an ever-present threat of falling deeper into poverty. He never ate well, but he was a joyful, exuberant child who was full of curiosity. By the time Jesse was 25, living in Scotland was becoming increasingly difficult for the Keltons. To save their poor parents from slipping into debt, Jesse and Josephine travelled across the ocean to find a fresh start in the USA, with the hopes of sending money back home. It was Josephine's kind and patient husband, Malcolm, who had first suggested the idea - Jesse could tell that Malcolm and Josephine were ready to settle down and start their own family, even as young as they were, and it simply wasn't feasable to continue living in Scotland. Originally, Jesse was planning to ensure the couple were safe and settled in the US, and then go and find a place of his own - but the trio got along so well that Jesse ended up staying with them for a few years longer than anticipated. Malcolm used to tease Jesse about moving out with his own girlfriend, but had often confided that he was glad Jesse was there to help protect them. It was the 'Wild West' after all; less than a year later, Malcolm was still paranoid and young and was even more concerned about protecting his newborn daughter, Frances. Luckily, Jesse had always enjoyed playing the protector. When Josephine and Malcolm had two more kids, Jesse adored them as if they were his own, and would do anything to keep them safe.

Sadly, just as their money troubles were beginning to wane, Malcolm's worst fear was realised; an outlaw broke into their house whilst he and his wife were out. Jesse was at home, watching after the three kids when he heard a loud crack and a masked stranger was looming in the doorway. All he remembers from that night was himself, covered in the man's sticky blood, an overwhelming rush of adreneline coursing through his veins and the look of terror on his nieces' and nephew's faces when he realised they were still in the room. Jesse had prevented any harm coming to the kids, but had made them witness to a brutal murder in their once peaceful front room. Josephine and Malcolm came back that morning to their frantic, sobbing children who couldn't sleep anywhere near scary Uncle Jesse. And for as much as the couple thanked Jesse for keeping their children safe that night, he had brutally killed a man in front of a 2, 4 and 7 year old. And the children were horrified by him. For their childrens' sake, Jesse moved out of the house and started living much further away, hoping that Josephine and Malcolm would still visit regularly. They did not. Having discussed in depth the danger they would be putting their kids in, they cut contact with Jesse altogether - they couldn't shake from their minds the violence that Jesse was hiding just below the surface, all this time, which they never knew about. Malcolm feared for their whole family, so he uprooted them without a word to his brother-in-law. Jesse has no idea where they are. He finds it extremely difficult to remember that day without crying, cursing himself or reminiscing on what he lost. Some small part of him still believes he was in the right to protect his family, even if it meant killing a man - he is still very conflicted by the whole situation, 7 years later.

Following the incident, Jesse attempted to settle down in a new village at 33 years old, offering his tradesman skills to the local community, frequenting bars and drinking until he couldn't stand. He wanted to bring some good back into the world, and he knew that folks were always in need of a handyman, drunk or sober. When he turned 34, he met a handsome young man with dark curls who he started spending a lot of his time with. Life was easier. Then he left. The years passed like this - Jesse met someone, they got drunk together, their 'relationship' lasted around 6 months, and he was alone again. And as his hopes of finding and apologising to his family seemed to get further and further away, he became apathetic about his life. It was only crossing paths with Devan, a maddeningly handsome stranger who had the whole world in his palm, that gave him purpose again. Even though the vampire wasn't after companionship, he had spared his life, and Jesse wasn't about to lose him - so he painstakingly tracked him down for a year, straying further from his 'reliable handyman' title and instead became known as 'that insane folklore fella'. He didn't care anymore. He wanted Devan back.


  • Pet (Devan)
  • Darling (Devan)
  • Mon Cher (Devan)
  • Fumiste (Devan, has no idea what this means)
  • Chouchou (Devan, again, no idea)
  • Jess (Parents, Josephine)
  • J (Malcolm)
  • Dynamite (Alejandro)


Height 5'9" (175cm)

Build Overall healthy weight, strong arms

Skin Tone Tanned

Body Markings Vampire bite on neck, scars on chest

Eye Colour Dark blue

Hair Colour Black

Hair Type Wavy (Messy.)

Demeanor Open, genuine, often vacant


  • Calloused hands (Blacksmith)
  • Messy, overgrown hair
  • Strong sideburns (doesn't bother shaving)
  • One missing tooth on his left side
  • Scar on his left eyebrow, scars across his chest



Would do absolutely anything for his beloved partner. Sees him as some sort of god. Any day spent without Devan makes him sad (he's very clingy and annoying). Sometimes wonders if Devan will ever turn him into his vampire spawn so they can live together forever..

Helping the town out

Jesse is an excellent Blacksmith, Handyman or Tradesman - he'll fix up anything for the village, and do it at half price. He knows what it's like to be living past your means in a poor area, and now he has a house and a stable income, he'll do all he can to make sure the community stays afloat.


He spent the majority of his 30s getting blackout drunk at various different bars and sleeping with half the town. He used to like not remembering. Now he's living with Devan though, drinking is secondary to Devan's need for blood; he physically can't drink or the alcohol will get into Devan's system, which he thinks is fun occasionally, but not fair for his partner to have to put up with frequently (especially since he has no choice but to drink the blood. Devan didn't ask for that!)

His family

Jesse misses them greatly. Frances would be 14 now, Finlay 11, and Violet 9. He misses his parents, they used to be so close. He hopes Malcolm and Josephine got out safely. He knows they're all terrified of him.


Thinking about his past mistakes

As much as he tries to move forward in his life, it's still difficult for Jesse to let go of the past. He wouldn't trade Devan for anything, the vampire is his entire world, but he wishes he could change that night. Just a little bit. Just enough. He still feels that weight of guilt on his chest.

Being isolated

Having no sense of community scares Jesse greatly; who is he if he can't help others? Offering his trade services to the townspeople was a way for him to atone for his mistakes - just as sleeping around gave him a sense of being desired. Since being with Devan though, he's come to realise he needs to value himself as a full person first. A community will always arise, even if it is a community of vampires they're looking for - and Jesse knows he will never be alone again.

Being labelled as the villain

It makes him really fucking angry. He gets equally as defensive when someone turns that on Devan; he simply can't stand not being given the chance to explain himself. Maybe it's part of his guilt. Some of his mind does still believe that what he did was awful.

Anything requiring him to dress up fancily

Devan is the poshest man he could possibly imagine; he speaks elegantly, he dresses beautifully, his hair is long and flowing and so well kept - and he's lived through the Georgian Era! Jesse is a scruffy handyman who lives off the land, always covered in soot and bruises. It's his greatest fear to deeply embarrass Devan as his plus one to a fancy, formal event - he could scar Devan for life and ruin his reputation! He doesn't even know how to hold a knife and fork properly! How is he supposed to look good wearing a nice, clean suit when his hair alone looks like a birds-nest?!


Confused and horny 90% of the time...

Used to sleep around a lot. It helped him relieve tension and take his mind away from everything else. He really enjoyed those moments of companionship, even if it was purely physical. Now with Devan, Jesse is realising that while those companionships were necessary at the time, they were weren't very fulfilling for his needs; he has a massive thing for hickeys, asphyxiation and biting (luckily), is a huge sado-masochist, and likes being told what to do. And for that, he has exclusively Devan to thank. The confusion is a mixture of being bloodless a lot, and his past of very heavy drinking. Sometimes he will look right through you.

Would like to travel back to Scotland

He especially misses the strong alcohol and the cold weather. Might also have something to do with his family - who could have guessed?

Has a disgusting and violent temper if truly provoked

But Jesse is very good at keeping it in. He harbours such guilt and remorse for that day that he couldn't bear repeating it; sometimes he worries about scaring Devan away, but then remembers that Devan is a vampire and has probably seen horrors beyond mortal comprehension. That doesn't mean he won't fight tooth and nail to keep Devan safe.

Heart of gold

He wants the best for everyone he meets. Having grown up in a loving household with parents that saw the best in their community, Jesse has a naturally caring disposition. One of the many reasons he wanted to track Devan down again (apart from proving he wasn't going insane, imagining a vampire) was because he was worried about him - if he, Jesse, had escaped and found out that he was a vampire, surely there were others who wanted to track him down and kill him. Jesse truly cares for everyone, especially his beloved Devan.




Judas Devan Moore


Jesse met Devan outside a local bar as he was having a smoke break. Fairly drunk and kinda flirty, Jesse felt honoured to have been approached by such a charming young man - Devan was clean cut, scarily handsome and deliberate in everything he said. And Jesse thought he was gorgeous. They flirted back and forth a little until Devan knocked him out. Surprise! You were talking to a vampire! When he woke up, it was pretty clear that Devan's intentions were not to make a move on Jesse, but to take his blood. Ignoring the fact that he was very disappointed to not get a kiss, Jesse's apathetic approach to life meant that he wasn't desperately scared; he managed to free himself from the rope and attempted to re-engange in conversation with the vampire he just met. It didn't exactly end well, as he was back tied up again after a few minutes, but equally, it didn't end badly either. Jesse was totally into hickeys with some pretty intense sado-masochism to follow. Devan was definitely a little surprised and confused about the whole thing, but it was his lack of fear that really made Devan think. A couple of weeks later, when Devan usually kills his victims after their use is up, something made him let Jesse go free. The torture hadn't phased Jesse that much it seemed, and his only goal after waking up alone on the outskirts of town was to track Devan down again. Two weeks of getting to know him wasn't enough, and there was a deep rooted desire too see him and possibly even catch this guy once and for all. Jesse learnt many things about both Devan and himself during the year he spent tracking him down; one, that he truly had no purpose in his life other than this mission; two, that he was willing to give up the community he had built around himself to embark on this journey; and three, he couldn't bear to entertain the idea that his drunken mind made Devan up. He wasn't crazy. And he wanted to prove that. The former Blacksmith took it upon himself to become a vampire tracker, asking around the towns and collecting every piece of knowledge that he could, whether it was passed down from legend or simply fortold by the local heretic. Nothing was too far-fetched and all were treated as important in his quest. Over the year, his reputation changed from trustworthy handyman to 'that insane folklore guy' - and for once, he didn't care. Devan was a goal worth persuing. And when he did secure a location - the decrepit, ancient mansion on the hill that no one had walked out alive from in 50 years - he knew his efforts weren't going to be for nothing. Encountering Devan in a significantly weaker state was unexpected but lucky for Jesse. Between his lack of blood and Jesse's silver bullets, the playing field felt a lot more even this time. Revenge, however, was never what he was looking for. And as he crossed the hall towards him, all Jesse could think to say was that he missed him terribly.


Alejandro Valentino

Old Friend/ Fling

Alejandro was one of Jesse's first real friends and hookups after the incident. They met when Ale was 22 and Jesse 34, at a bar in the town Ale was staying. Ale was grateful for a friendly face in this new area, and Jesse, always happy to help, was flattered by the interest from the young man. It didn't take much alcohol to turn both the men to less savoury conversation - both very used to a rowdy night on the town, the pair already knew how drinking would end. Ale and Jesse spent just shy of six months sleeping and drinking together, neither man really knowing too much deep information about the other. Jesse knew he was young, fresh-faced and reckless, ready to take on the world and tired of being confined to one place. He knew he was genuinely kind, when it suited him. Then Ale had to leave his town, and he hasn't seen the young man since. He'll add him to the list of people he misses.




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