Andre Michon (Andre and Achilles)




"There is magic between us."


  • Relationship Dating.
  • Status embarrassingly in love.
  • Bases kissed / declared official.

Important Stuff to Remember.

  • Both of their experiences with past relationships have been difficult, which lends itself to a lot of romantic insecurity on both of their parts.
  • their grip on monogamy is a little vague. they always discuss crushes with each other.
  • achilles knows how important nerys is to andre, and andre knows how important florence is to achilles. they respect each other's friendships a lot.


from: sensemaking.

Achilles says, “Can I ask you something?”

“Well, I mean, you can. You just did,” Andre replies. He is outside, lying on his sleeping bag and staring up at the night sky. He’s been spending a lot of his time out here with Achilles. It’s nice to be around them.

“Very funny,” Achilles says, “I’m being serious, Andre.”

Andre has a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, but he reminds himself of the moment. “Of course, ask me anything.”

Ask me anything is a sentiment Andre only extends to a few people. His best friend and his datefriend, namely. Ask me anything is a Nerys and Achilles exclusive statement.

There’s a moment of silence, where the dead air hangs above them as Achilles pieces their question together.

“Would it be better if I were human?”

“What do you mean?” Andre asks, wringing his hands. He feels like he knows what they mean, but some part of him doesn’t want to answer this very difficult question.

“This,” Achilles starts, “Us.”

“Us,” Andre repeats, “Well, we’re fine as it is, I think.”

That isn’t the answer that Achilles wants. “I know, I just,” they struggle with the words, “I wonder if our relationship would be, I don’t know, easier? Or at least less complicated, had I been born human.”

There’s more silence. Achilles keeps talking. “I mean, if I were human we could go on dates, or we could do human things. Like, what’s the thing called? It’s like a play, but it’s, uh.”


“Yes! If I were human, we could do things like watch a movies, or something like that,” Achilles says, “and we could kiss more, and I could go places with you, and we’d have so much more to do, and,” they pause, and they speak the next words carefully, “and I wouldn’t have to go.”

Achilles needs to go home eventually, because they can’t stay up here with Andre and Nerys forever. It just isn’t viable, no matter what Andre wants, no matter how much he wishes for it. Achilles has to go eventually, and Andre will have to come to terms with that.

Andre will simply have to loosen the knot that forms in his stomach when he thinks of it, or he will have to learn to live with it.

He says, “I like what we have,” and it’s hard to think about, but he feels honest, and that might be the right direction, “I feel like you make a lot of sense, just how you are.”

“I feel the opposite,” Achilles says, “You don’t make any sense. You make everything confusing. You make it complicated.”

“And is that bad?”

“No,” says Achilles, “It could never be bad. You—you’re,” they exhale, “You’re amazing, you’re nothing like anyone else I know—anyone else I knew,” they sound enamored, and Andre feels almost drunk on the love they offer him, sometimes. “You’re Andre.”

“And you’re Achilles,” says Andre, “and you’re smart, and beautiful,” they’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. They are unthinkable, unmistakable, “and you’re a mermaid, and I like all of those things. I like everything that comes with you.”

The silence after that is more comfortable.

Achilles says, “I really am in love with you,” and something stirs in Andre. It breathes and makes itself known by the rhythm of its own beating heart. It comes alive.



Andre and Achilles kiss two months after they officially start dating.

Andre thinks it's probably an oversight on his part, and assumes that kissing should have come a bit earlier in the timeline of their relationship. Achilles, on the other hand, grew up in New Atlantis, where the average courting process takes years, and you certainly don't kiss until after the first year of courtship. They find the idea of kissing within two months of dating absolutely wild, and they're immediately up to the idea.

In the end, it's a nice kiss.


Achilles plans to tell Andre that they love him around six months into the relationship, which leads them to be even more surprised when he says it first. That isn't to say that they aren't absolutely overjoyed by the fact that he did say it first, they just didn't expect it.

To be fair, Andre didn't expect it either. He always figured that saying "I love you" would be really far into their relationship, but being with Achilles brings out a softer side in him, and that softer side has much less of a filter than his regular one.