Lifeguard Girl

the project i'm most invested in right now! it's like if i had a baby that was an abstract story concept and also full of other, smaller babies called my ocs.


[art by emkatt.]

A siren's curse, sometimes referred to as a siren's spell, is passed via a kiss. This curse plants a song in the recipients head, and that song will beckon the cursed to the water, tempting them to drown themselves in the sea. This is a common hunting tactic used by sirens.

Laila Karnofsky, however, is a different case. Not inflicted with the curse but instead having inherited it from her mother, Laila likes to think of herself as well adjusted and rarely affected by the conditions of her curse. She has a job she enjoys—working as a lifeguard at her local beach—and decent living conditions. There is nothing she needs to worry about, and if she ignores the problem hard enough it will go away.

A chance encounter with a siren leads Laila to think deeply about her state of being and just how well adjusted she is with the curse. This leads her down a new path with an unknown destination, but she hopes to find a cure to her curse on the journey.